
And maybe stop shaving your legs?


Do you have kids? Because I can make you a crazy deal on some Chinese baby formula...

Link says it's out of stock until 5/27.

I've been waiting for the GTD for almost a year now, and only put off buying a new car because that's the one I wanted.

Sure. They won't bring the GTD here, but they'll ship this thing over? My ass.

How many dB would you say the point of this article made as it sailed over your head?

"Lib?" Seriously? Jesus.

I've had eight or so VWs, years 1968 through 2008, and they go through bulbs like crazy. WTF is that all about?

Jesus, dude. Seriously? This is a thing you care about?

The worst thing about these awful commercials is that they've made me rethink my ever since Better off Dead love of John Cusack.

I was AT THAT GAME when I was 11. Followed Williams back toward his trailer after they shot the bit, yelled "Hey Mork" at him and he turned around and I got a sweet Kodak Instamatic of him looking right at me (kept the pic on my wall until I lost it sometime in the late 80s, I think).

Kapernick threw at him on crossing routes more than once, and Mr. Superstar didn't do shit.

Lotta talk for a guy who finished the night with two tackles and one blocked pass.

That dude looks just like Spock's dad!

That's what makes the ESPN hire so baffling. You hire Tim Tebow to talk? On TV?

Also, I'm not Nate Jackson, or Nate Jackson's mom.

Want to recommend this book to everybody. It's a pretty fast read, full of crazy shit just like this. Really well done, and it makes a great Christmas gift!

Worked at a newspaper once where we teased a story about Mookie Wilson on Page 1. The little mug shot that we ran next to it was of Abu Nidal.

Supposedly, they located the place there because of its seismic stability.