

I think he’s just old and doesn’t get twitter, so he just tries to cram as much information as possible into 140 characters. I love his tweets so much.

I think you’re probably right, although in the end, the Court is ultimately going to be Trump’s great foil - no matter what he tries to do, they’re ultimately going to be the arbiters of whether he’s allowed to do it. Thank god.

It’s Ginsburg’s prerogative to comment on a political election - I certainly think it’s more appropriate for her to do that than for a justice to comment on a matter that is or will be before the Court, as plenty of others have (the whole idea of a “litmus test” is based on the idea that nominees will say how they’ll

You got me there.

Yes. When you are deciding who is in charge of the most powerful military in the history of the world, controls an arsenal that could LITERALLY bring an end to all human life on planet earth, and executes the laws of the lynchpin of the entire global economic system, then yes. It’s “do or die.” Every Presidential

I think it’s also possible that for a lot of younger people, this is the first national election they can really remember where the exciting revolutionary guy didn’t win. Like, 2000 was a ways back if you’re 20 or 22 now, and 2004 felt like a boring dude running against an incumbent who’d always sort of just been

Yes, I know there’s a lot of criticism of the TPP. Because I’ve read the deal, and read and listened to analysis on both sides, because I don’t just depend on my “gut skepticism” and tired retread media narratives when making a decision on what I believe or who I’m going to vote for.

It’s really the damnedest thing.

What, specifically, do you not like about that “deal”? Which provisions? Why don’t you like them? How would you reform them? What trade-offs and concessions would you be willing to make in order to secure those provisions?

You were in the room during the preliminary negotiations, I assume? So you’re totally sure about how “quickly” he gave up?

Wait, seriously? You didn’t know that TPP is a negotiated multilateral trade deal and can’t be fussed to do some research on what Obama has done to regulate bank excesses since the 2007 great recession but you’re “skeptical” of Clinton because you sort of maybe heard she takes money from corporations?

Depends on what you mean by “fight the banks.” Like, dismantle them and then there’s just no more banks? No, of course not. But she has put forward a comprehensive financial reform agenda that takes the Obama/Dodd-Frank scheme of regulations and strengthens its framework, while adding things like stronger capital

You guys it’s true. Porn is SUPER DANGEROUS and undoubtedly a public health crisis. Did you know that in 2015 over 30,000 people DIED in porn-related incidents? And that toddlers injure themselves or others using porn about once every week in America?

Starring to promote the STUNNING fact that people are like “I won’t vote for Clinton, who has fought for children’s rights her entire adult life, in favor of someone who thinks that we should be skeptical of vaccines because, y’know, drug companies make all kinds of money on generic vaccines that prevent horrifying

3? Big Lincoln Chafee fan? ;)

Turnout is more important than percentages anyway. If Bernie gives a few of his supporters who might have stayed home a reason to get up and vote on election day, that’ll be helpful.

They’ll listen eventually. The thing is, as stubborn as Bernie was about this when it became painfully obvious that he was not going to win, it seems like the campaigns have managed to hit on a strategy wherein he gets to take credit for some key platform concessions and his endorsement reads as genuine. The longer

Oh you’re in for it now.

More like “if I can’t get that toy that I want, but could have a toy that is remarkably similar to that toy and seems to be trying pretty hard to adopt that toy’s most appealing features, I will instead choose to roll around in a big pile of dog crap, douse myself in kerosene, and set myself on fire.”