What, you want some ESTABLISHMENT scientist telling you what is and isn’t toxic to breathe? No, thank you. I would like either a businessman or a priest to weigh in on that particular issue.
What, you want some ESTABLISHMENT scientist telling you what is and isn’t toxic to breathe? No, thank you. I would like either a businessman or a priest to weigh in on that particular issue.
How could anyone have known that the smoldering remains of a high-rise might have something DANGEROUS in them?
This is the thing about Trump that I don’t hear about all that much in mainstream analysis - he’s not a businessman OR a reality star, not really. He’s a salesman. Every problem is a failure to make a sale. Iran nuclear deal? Kerry didn’t get up and walk away from the table and then “double up the sanctions,” so he…
Could he just shut the fuck up forever about everything because he is inevitably the fucking worst about everything he talks about and also he looks like that one racist alcoholic uncle who sexually harasses the cashiers at Smart and Final.
Yeah except with slightly less sense and slightly more shit like moon bases in his agenda.
I think Kennedy was on the road to supporting a lot of those initiatives but LBJ was the only man in the country who could have gotten them done.
Oh, trust me, I don’t want Newt to be allowed to fly over DC, let alone be given a position of any kind of power or influence. However, if he just remains an old dude who seems capable of taking in information and changing his opinions, whatever, he’s better than most of them.
When I think of Newt as an old dude who used to hold insane and retrograde opinions and has come around to saying he regrets attacking the Clintons and lifting banking regulations, believes in climate change now, and is evolving on racial issues, I’m ok with Newt. When I think of Newt as a potential vice president of…
It’s very Newt to be like “well, I didn’t believe it for a long time, but then a 4-star General and a QUARTERBACK told me it was true, so gosh I guess it must be, because everyone knows quarterbacks are incapable of deception about institutional bias.”
Guys, we’re not being fair. We should think about what Mike Huckabee is saying about men. After all, there are clearly a lot of structural things that must be leading to men being arrested/ shot by the police at such high rates.
Johnson pushed through and signed both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. He was probably the president most dedicated to advancing the cause of civil rights in the entire 20th century.
And Johnson fought a hell of a lot harder for civil rights than Kennedy, who came somewhat late and somewhat reluctantly to the cause.
100% fewer war crimes since he left office.
I love Serena Williams because of how thoroughly she pisses off my racist sexist parents. “She must be taking steroids!” “Nope, that was the little blonde girl.” “She’s just getting away with it!” “Lol she won again”
I have general and vague memories of going up to Dodger stadium since I was a little kid, but the one memory that really sticks was when I was 6 or 7, my family came down to San Diego for a long weekend. The Dodgers were playing at Jack Murphy (now Qualcomm or whatever god forsaken thing they’re naming it this week)…
Trump didn’t say shit, Paul Manafort wrote the statement while Ivanka stole Trump’s phone and Eric and Don Jr. cued up a replay of Tuesday’s CNN feed in an Ocean’s 11-style scheme to keep him away from twitter for at least one day.
Oh, I’m guessing they’re already there.
“Motorists.” That’s a new term for black people, only one of whom was in a car.
I have to say, the one tiny little bright spot last night was watching this asshole tripping over his own feet to delete and then “clarify” his tweet when the whole entire internet responded to him with “um, have a nice visit with the Secret Service, buddy.”