Unrelated but I’m in love with your name and avatar. If you can’t move sandalwood, you don’t belong in this league!
Unrelated but I’m in love with your name and avatar. If you can’t move sandalwood, you don’t belong in this league!
I’m in a newsroom, it’s a job requirement lol
Politics is exciting! Also I’ve drunk a lot of tea and Diet Dr. Pepper tonight so take that as you will.
Ok end of caps
Pumpkin Spice is nothing but the vastly inferior sibling of Salted Caramel Mocha. The salt they sprinkle on top of the whipped cream is especially good when you get it iced (or as a frap I guess but I’m not a monster.)
I was 14 too. Walking down the street with my parents and little brother while in shorts and a tank top. Despite the 115 degree heat, I really should have known better than to wear such slutty attire and I lured a grown ass man into groping me. Sometimes we women (and girls!) have to remember that our simple existence…
I totally thought being famous would be cool when I was in like middle/high school (less so once I reached adulthood.) Then, I got married, had a fairly sizable wedding, bridal shower, bachelorette party, etc. Being the center of attention and having everyone around you clamoring for your time and opinion and approval…
Fortune Feimster was hilarious but I feel like this was a missed opportunity to resurrect Craig Ferguson’s wise cracking skeleton sidekick, Geoff. He’s a little heavy to be Ann Coulter, but I’d buy it.
That RA is not getting paid enough for this shit.
I had a roommate who borrowed and totaled my car the day before my birthday (which, while shitty, I get because hey, accidents happen.) But then she moved out when no one was home a few weeks later and stole a bunch of our shit including, but not limited to, board games, video games, movies (which might have been the…
Rich people need help spending their money. I’m available for said help, should anyone ask.
Though I did spend 90 bucks on a tote bag once, but it was all leather and I use it as my briefcase of sorts and as my airplane carry on bag and as my “I’m so not sneaking an entire concession stand’s worth of snacks into the…
I like to think of the first ladies (well the whole first families really) like neighbors. The Bushes are the relatively pleasant couple across the street who you wave at when you get your mail and you exchange super basic Christmas gifts with (What, you got us cookies TOO no wayyyyy) and the Obamas are the ones who…
I’m just going to copy and paste your opinion on this stuff anytime it comes up in conversation because this is exactly how I feel about it. How do they get such good music for this stuff?? HOW??
hughmungus123 is posting dismembered kittens like the worthless fucknugget he is, can we block him please? Already flagged the post.
When I read the first one, I’d forgotten what a good writer she is until I was like two pages in and was like “Oh, yup, back with Rowling and it’s gooooooood.”
As a Rocky Horror fan, I’m still going to watch the shit out of this. More Rocky can only be a good thing! Just have to look at it as a totally separate thing from the original Picture Show, otherwise it will (of course) be a disappointment.
Sent this to a gay guy friend of mine, confirms it’s a thing gay guys do too, and he owned up to doing it himself. It’s a universal truth.
I have a list of husbands (1 is Mr. Not Lois, 2 is Oscar Isaac, 3 is Idris Elba) and I think Luke here might have to be number four
I’m in a news room right now and like half the dudes are wearing cargo shorts. This is not known as cargo Friday here. Rather, it is known as every fucking day of the week because print journalists don’t know how to dress themselves.
Very well said, from a fellow designer!