
I could be (and probably am) wrong, but at this point, is the DNC’s totally star studded roster of speakers and performers shade at the RNC after their inability to attract anyone with name recognition and that just about every song they used was used without permission of the artist and done under protest? Like it

I volunteer with Red Cross to help run blood drives at area businesses and, one day, went to run one at a plastics developer. I had to sign several forms saying I wasn’t carrying in a recording device and that anything I heard while inside the building could not be shared as it could be a corporate secret. This was

Trumpster fire.

Now playing

What should be used in all subsequent trailers if they don’t want to use the Stevie Nicks original (Side note, if you’re into covers, The Wind and The Wave have some great ones):

Who the fuck has matching beach towels?? Isn’t the entire point of a beach towel that it’s huge, neon and tacky as fuck?

I used Father and Daughter! My dad had a side gig as a wedding DJ when I was a kid so he was SO picky and I was just like “Pick a song and tell me what we’re dancing to.” Thank GOD he hates that “Butterfly Kisses” bullshit song almost as much as I do.

Is there an artist you both really love? We had a super hard time, too, nothing one of us really liked seemed to fit, but then I was like “Well, we both like Bruce Springsteen....” So I dug through his song library and found a really beautiful, romantic but not sappy and unrealistic song that worked perfectly and we

I’m stuck at my desk so no fun to be had here!

JFC the photos with that story are almost as bonkers as the story itself. So much hipster, it burns my eyes.

The bottom layer of my hair has tight, springy, coarse curls and the top layer is soft with a light wave and I’m just like “PLEASE PICK ONE TO BE SO I CAN STYLE YOU AND SO EVERY TIME I GET A NEW STYLIST SHE’S NOT MARVELING AT HOW THE HELL MY HAIR WORKS”

Frank Turner!!! Saw him live in December! Not sure I’ve ever seen anyone more into performing, he was so phenomenal AND I say that after he didn’t even play my favorite song of his.

Their foot cream is AMAZING. My feet dry out so easy and crack open and bleed and make it so hard to walk (which is just great on vacation, let me tell you) and just slathering that stuff on takes care of it, 100%. I use their hand cream too in winter. Sooooo nice!

Their foot cream is AMAZING. My feet dry out so easy and crack open and bleed and make it so hard to walk (which is

I volunteer at blood drives at least once a week, some tips for anyone going to donate who hasn’t before:

I dunno about common because I haven’t seen any studies but holy hell was that ever my main coping mechanism. My PTSD was so bad I was throwing up everything I was eating and I couldn’t sleep so I didn’t have control over much, but I could go out and bang whoever I wanted to and did I ever. So many FWB set ups.

I used to work for a paper in northwestern lower Michigan and, in that town, there was a guy (they thought he might be a tourist) who would try and run people down and actually killed a cyclist a few years back. I’m curious to see if this ends up being him because they never caught him. Hit two cyclists and, once news

Listened to an NPR report about the anniversary of Katrina and it’s amazing how many people stayed behind because they couldn’t bring their pets with them to evacuate. People are very dedicated to their furry family members and providing victims, be it victims of a natural disaster or domestic violence, with help

I work in print and I’m almost always the most dressed up person in my office because I feel weird if, Monday - Thursday, I don’t at least shoot for business casual (even though no one around me gives even half a fuck.)

I love TAL and that was one of the most fascinating episodes I think I’ve ever listened to. There’s so little information out, especially from a first hand perspective, of what it’s like living with FGM and it was just so heartbreaking to hear.

I still PMS which is WEIRD AS HELL when not followed by a period. Took me about 3 months to figure out WTF is happening to my body. I’d get a zit or two, crave weird foods, be more moody (and, according to my husband, smell slightly different) for a week and then go back to normal. After a while I was like “OH THAT’S

I carry all the makeup I wear on the reg in my purse because I’m a lazy asshole who does her makeup in the parking lot of her office and/or at red lights on the way to work and/or while my husband is driving and we’re going out somewhere. To do it at home means starting to get ready 10 minutes earlier and I am not