No, I don't thank you for the fish at all

That’s a really nice crossover without the ride height.

No actual words necessary.

The Jupiter 8 is named after the Roman god Jupiter

Working UPS by itself is a hard job too, depending what specific kind of position he had (that being “anything but management or delivery driver”).

True, but aviator’s education is a bit more skewed than what it would be for say a lawyer or a doctor, though it probably more closely resembles a lawyer. Someone with a legal degree might end up being stuck with just being a public defender their entire career - and along the same vein, someone with a commercial

At a certain point paying so much doesn’t make it fun to play anymore, especially if you tend to struggle with either. This is why I tell people when they ask me for aviation career advice, I either tell them be a mechanic or just forget it and find literally any job that pays them decently that they can enjoy and

The problem is trying to get all those qualifications to get that $300,000 sucks. For example: that’s roughly equal to your student debt payments. Ask me how I know.

I’ll be more impressed when it can throw Shia LeBeouf and then catch him.

Nice four-eyed Charger with a Passat butt glued on.

or if there will be a more upscale Audi variant just yet

Yeah, but is every unemployed person really suitable to be working in a taco truck? In some cases it’d be a waste of talent, in other cases some people...well...might be better finding a different line of work than even taco truck, to put it lightly (lest they keep serving customers burnt toast). least the guy who got hit on the side was in a Volvo.

The best safety device is always a well-trained pilot.

I’m pretty sure I’m just gonna die from looking at that monstrosity.

Gantry crane, which is a mobile latticework attached directly to the roof with a set of pulleys leading to the platform.

I’m guessing dad *might* have some severe anger issues.