
I agree pleading to something simple like traffic stops or “Child in need of supervision” charges is often the easiest but when dealing with juveniles, at least in my state and specifically with sex offenses the only thing I deal with on my case load, the probation may be long and difficult with rather negative

Still others said the news media should not have written about Heimlich’s past. “He was doing everything he was supposed to do, everything the courts asked,” said Raymond Brooks, a retired Oregon State professor. “Why even dig it up?”

The judge addressed Luke: “I want to tell you how proud I am of you for completing the program so fast, and it’s very impressive that you’re ready to go to college. … it sounds like things are going well for you, and we expect great things. … congratulations. You deserve a big round of applause.”

You’re right, a lawyer would though, and I am not a lawyer. This is a statement I made 2 times, thus rendering your comment pretty much redundant. I rest my case, your highness

“So, son...Did ya do it?”
“No! Of course not.”
“Well...What if we just say you did?”
“That’ll be $15,000.”
“I don’t care what your card says, Mr. Hutz. I’m not sure you’re a real lawyer at all!”

I’m just going to say that if I was an innocent man being accused of a crime of that nature, I would fight tooth and nail to clear my name and even I spit at any notion that the best option is to plead guilty. You fight that shit. Once again, not a lawyer, but pleading guilty to bring less harsh punishments implies

His attorney? Rudy Giuliani.

This pun was muffed.

Ultimately the people around me know who I am. That is what matters.

If there’s no grass on the field, DO NOT PLAY BALL.

I’m not a lawyer, but I feel like it is in the best interest of an innocent party to say “no, I actually am not a molester of children” as opposed to going with “let’s just say yes, sure did, and see what happens”.

As a juvenile probation officer that deals specifically with sex offenses, the fact that the attorney was so quick to a plea deal is disturbing

This season, Heimlich has once again been pretty great for the Beavers

I’m a little surprised a convicted pedophile was able to play college sports, but mostly stunned it wasn’t on a full ride at MSU.

Doesn’t matter if the intent is to distract, Marchand is a special breed of fuckhead and should’ve been penalized.

His native language is Sanskrit.

Wait, what words do you think you can’t use here

The sweet spot between Dj Khaled and Marchand has to be a happy place for all who have access to it.

I am usually against the sort of cowboy/vigilante/Don Cherry-type justice that certain “old school” types get all nostalgic for, HOWEVAH, if there were ever a guy in need of a severe facial rearrangement at the hands of a goon, Brad Marchand would be it.

Cassidy: I swear to god damn god Marchand if you god damn lick another god damn man again in this god damn series I am gonna god damn glue your ass to the bench until the god damn Leafs wins a god damn Stanley Cup!