
Or, put another way, Donald Fucking Trump accused our first black president of having engaged in a criminal conspiracy to illegally seize the White House. This motherfucker.

“What I was trying to get across was that what the ESPN writer wrote was allegedly a mistake that was taken into a different context than what he intended.”

Yea I love that one dumbass who went as far as to say she slandered the President. Last I checked if the statements are true its not slander.

Takeaway: There are some dumb MFers at ESPN. Seriously, one person can’t see the difference between the Lin incident (which involved an unwarranted racial slur - that might have been an accident, sure) and a label (supremacist) ostensibly based on a person’s actual past activities?

Oh and let’s not forget...Trump can call a black person racist and face no consequences:

This idea that calling white supremacists white supremacists is a “political opinion,” or even political speech, is a pernicious trend of thought. Plays right into it.

Just a reminder that Donald Trump publicly berated Obama on a daily fucking basis for eight fucking years, continually insisting that he did not meet the minimum requirement to be president. In short, fuck Donald Trump, and fuck this hypocritical bullshit by the right.

She made a *statement of fact.*

Our country has moved so far to the right that people who openly call themselves “conservatives” are basically authoritarians. It isn’t about consistency in the law, it’s about using your power to silence people you don’t like.

“Businesses need to be politically agnostic or they risk alienating large swaths of the country whether you agree with them or not.”

Remember, calling a white person racist (even if everything they do is racist) is the worst speech offense you can commit. Donald Trump can call Mexicans rapists, he can tell people that only Jews should count money, he can be sued for racial discrimination against black people, and he’ll still be elected president.

When you get right down to it- all she did was say what the NY Times has been saying for months and what a large plurality of Americans already believe.

So it doesn’t matter how professional you, how educated you may be, if you’re conservative (the “stick to sports” crowd) you still misunderstood the first amendment? (which is ironic)

There’s a wide variety. And the sorts of women who are likely to be undernourished in this country are also the sorts of people less likely to have access to prenatal care/effective birth control, and less likely to be in relationships where sex is always following the model of “positive consent.”

Also, people with closely spaced pregnancies have significantly increased risk of premature birth, making the subsequent births seem even sooner than they would otherwise.

I had three babies in 16 months. It’s possible. Not advisable, but completely possible. Third baby was a surprise, we weren’t supposed to be able to have kids the regular way. I wouldn’t recommend three kids in sixteen months. It was hard.

I have a bad feeling that she recovered more quickly because her smoking/drinking caused the babies to be born underweight...

When my sister got married, one of her husband’s groomsmen asked if he and his wife could bring their infant (about 6 months old). They said no, no kids invited. He tried to make a case about not being able to separate the kid from his mother during breastfeeding. They said, sorry, then you won’t be able to be in the

There is a recommended period of 18 months between pregnancies (the shorter the time between pregnancies the higher the risk of premature birth), but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get pregnant earlier. Many people actually have accidental pregnancies shortly (a few weeks) after a birth because they think they