
Fuck UNH

The “20 something who has no idea how to” thread!

Sitting in bed eating chips and dip and drinking a homemade daquiri. And watching Homeland.

I watched “Best In Show” for the first time last month, and I think I’ve watched it about eight times since then.

Christie argued more employees would be replaced by automated kiosks at small businesses if the state continues to hike its minimum wage.

Currently up to camp in Houlton. I can vouch for the backassness

As a Mainer, I promise you it was a fluke. Stupid split parties and ughhhhh

I love Mei in certain defense/ control maps. Block off choke points so the other team can’t even get in can be critical at times.

Calling it “Schrier’s Cat” is a reference to the author of the piece

So is that why my rez isn’t always triggered when I play as Mercy...? My team’s Rein went down last night a full ten seconds after I got my ult, and I smashed Q with a FURY, but it was like it wasn't registering

I work in children’s books, and I’ve gone off so many times about people saying “boy book” and “girl book”. Like, no. NO. Books don’t need to be gendered. At all. Stop.

I work at an animal shelter, and the entire staff went as a group to go see it and IT WAS WONDERFUL


That is AWFUL. Rescues do good work, but a lot of their rules restrict animals from finding good homes and have longer waits in foster care.

There’s nothing BUT yellow around me, and it’s annoying

Mystic, if only because it actually fit me.

Atlanta Olympic bombing. It was my brother’s second birthday.

I literally don’t even remember, I pushed it so far back.

I’m typically really wary and not at all a fan of gofundme campaigns, but in this instance I just want her to take ALL of my money. I was stalked for a very long time by a man who turned out to be my dad’s best friend, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

The tickets are only good at Livenation venues, of which there are ZERO in Maine.