The cow is not allowed

Yeah okay, but personal lives and creative outputs are two different things.

Really found a way to shoehorn your personal dislike of Dan Harmon into this thread, huh.

Harmon isn’t immature at all. I think the word your looking for is Alcoholic.

Those two things are incredibly unrelated. RPO is a plethora of nerd culture references without much to say about them. Similarly, Cline’s Fanboys, which I like just fine, doesn’t have much to say about nerd culture except “isn’t it neat how people who all like Star Wars can get along and rally around a mutual like?”


Immature is a broad spectrum. It can mean childlike in viewpoint, unintelligent, unwise, crass, etc. So something that is childlike and unwise (big bang theory) is immature for different reasons than something that is crass (rick and morty.)

I finally made the push through series over the christmas hiatus (mainly due to the positive season 4 reviews).

“When in Rome, possess no genitalia like the Romans do”

A> Rotten Tomatoes said they would purge members who were being obviously offensive or obviously trolls. They did not say they were “banning” negative reviews.

Please have all the upvotes for making this point much better than I was about to.

While I get what you’re saying, I think Zack has a very good point here.

For better or worse, Star Trek: Discovery is part of a much larger franchise. And for the show to make constant references to Star Trek’s mythology while simultaneously ignoring or rewriting other parts of that mythology is hardly “seeing what

But we Jalops know the #1 rule about cars. And that’s don’t mess with a person’s car.

While that’s all well and good, and understandable, my reply was geared more towards the fact that people come here to read about cars.

Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the

You know what they say. If there’s a weak genetic connection, you can’t avoid copulation.

That’s the problem with having just audio recordings of prayers: the context for that last one makes all the difference. Reminding Jesse of a previous time he was forced to submit to someone probably wasn’t the plan.

Yes. Thanks for saving me from having to point that out. The machine doesn’t remove toxins, it removes what each subject *thinks* are their toxins. Rick thinks he’s held back by his affection for Morty, which is why toxic Rick cared about saving toxic Morty. This was a major plot point, and literally explained by

The toxin-free Morty seemed very Harmon-y to me, ie represented everything that Harmon hates.

Now playing

Yes! The Aegon/Aegon, Darryl/Darryl subthread I was looking for.

In extreme multi-generational inbreeding situations (especially where genetic defects are culled), eventually all the risky genes are bred out of the pool. The Targaryens probably are all very genetically similar now with none of the nasty recessives remaining. In fact, the infusion of Stark genes might be more

Step 1: disallow images. Step 2: eliminate grays. Step 3: bask in people’s admiration.