Welcome to the Internet now get the fuck off and go kill yourself with a spoon you fucking twat waffle.
Welcome to the Internet now get the fuck off and go kill yourself with a spoon you fucking twat waffle.
I’ve always figured that the 2-4 digit and letters were just part of a longer serial number shortened to make communication easier. Like if our cars were semi-sentient we wouldn’t call them by their model otherwise you would have a shit ton of very confused corollas or by their vin, cuz im not memorizing anything more…
Came for this...thank you
Reaction timeline: heh, heh-heh, bwaheh, hahahah, Bwahahahahhahah
My thoughts exactly. I believe my verbatim reaction was GOD-DAAMMN
I have mixed feels on this. How can you not save that little guy, big eyes just looking up into the camera like that, however it is the nature of things. Orcas eat seals...after an hour or so of beating it to death with their tails passing it off like some kind of living football...On second though, no. Fuck the Orca.…
My reaction to reading then watching:
itll be yuge!!!
Lets just hope we get there before they get here!
I was speaking more toward my experience (BoH). I know a cook (a good one) who had to move to dallas because everyone he tried to get on with (white tablecloth, not MickyD’s) wouldn’t have him. He diddled the chef-owner’s daughter
Did I say country? Sure you can hop from McJob to McJob but for those of us who are actually good at our jobs who work in proper kitchens, chefs and owners talk. If you quit because of legitimate reasons sure no problem, but if your are a pompous little fuck like most millennials (I’m a “millennial” and I can’t stand…
Its horrid! How can people expect to get anything done!
No I didn’t, but it comes with the job. If you want to be good in this industry you work for bastards who don’t pay you what you “feel” you deserve. They pay you what you’re worth. Coming out of school, any school, regardless of discipline or degree, you don’t know shit about how your industry runs. You work like a…
Despite what is commonly thought, restaurants are probably the last bastian of meritocracy left in the world.
HAHAHA, find it hard to believe all you want but yeah you screw with the wrong owner/Chef and you MAY be able to get a job in another city.
With an Associate’s that cost 45k for the culinary training and another 40k to finish my Bachelor’s in Hotel Restaurant Management I don’t have to wonder...
True-er words seldom uttered
Forced un-paid overtime? Threatened with termination if you dont? Being potentially black listed in an industry where, inexplicably, everyone knows everyone? Please do go on...
Technically, yes. But Tyler was by far one of, if not, dare I say, THE best journalist to grace the proverbial halls of Gawker media. He had stuff linked into Io9 and Giz on a regular basis, so thats why I put him in the mix too. I’m pretty sure (though I am talking completely out of my ass at this point) all of…
Wait...TWO DOSES??? WOW! That is quite the “shitload”. Holy mouse fucking christ please at least tell me there was a moonshine and coke-off-a-hooker chaser?