
Completely void of talent. Period.

A highly over looked role he played was Rob Lowe, creepy dude who video tapes sex with underage girl.

Give Jim Belushi some credit for not being in this, it would have pushed the small demographic of people that don't hate him to the other side. David Cross' rant on him is epic.

except it's only B+. We'll take what we can get, though.

Accidental anal? NOT buying it.


Quit jammin' me.

They cannot make me watch Aston Kutcher.

I preferred the modernized, sexualized Quincy, Crossing Jordan. I called it "Quincy in Panties". Which in hindsight, sounds sort of gross.

Does he own a chopper?

Graphite Zepplin doesn't sound nearly as good.

If only he had thrown his dick at her.

There's nothing quite like the "LA Beast" claiming to eat ghost chili peppers for breakfast and getting kicked in the nuts while failing. By someone in Eeyore costume. Priceless.…

Perhaps they might live on as screen shots.

The main penalty of having to talk with Seth Rogan and Zac Efron was obvious.

Half a thumbs up for sniglet reference, half for stealing my rap name.

That is a pretty tall statement. Sting has solid body of solo work, and that live album is pretty epic but also held up by the monstrous band he employed. All of the Police albums are solid front to back—Sting's solo work occasionally…Michael Boltonesque.

I was never impressed by his pitching with a bloody sock. So he had a blister, big deal. Baseball lore would have you believe there was a bone sticking out of foot.

I always thought it was the former, but that was probably based on life experience more than lyrical analysis.