No Roads Adventure

Do people de-badge with power tools? Taking an air chisel to your tailgate seems like a bad and unpopular strategy.

He was able to stop with several feet to spare in a situation where coming to a complete stop was entirely unexpected. That’s why it’s not tailgating.

I think weight was the biggest enemy here.

Are you kidding me with this woman? Fuck people like this. That is absolutely unacceptable not only as a parent, but as a decent human being. I hope she stands near a mustang at the next cars and coffee.

Now playing

I am not a pro driver, but looks like his turning of the wheel before landing caused that.

I’m surprised you didn’t title this as “Why buy a Ford Fiesta when you could own the worlds fastest car in 1954 for less?”

Guy totally blows that red light.

Kind of a moot point by this time, don't you think? That is like saying "man, I can't believe he through a lit match on the carpet" after a house burned to the ground.

Give Tavarish a chance! I’m sure his piece about how “A 10 year old Mercedes S500 is the best sport bike you could own” will bring you ‘round…

Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

That driver really should have had the insight to know the water was too deep.

Not tested. As usual, poor people can go fuck themselves.

Thank you. Literal toast...

Came for pictures of Toast-rotors, leaving dissappointed.

It’s getting bad. Someone stole the grille right off of this thing at an auto show.

Its not that speed kills, its speed variance that kills. Artificially lowered speed limits have been shown to actually increase the accident rate

Also the rise of the cell phone

Where are you racing something like that?