I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment. I still think saying he created a holodeck is a bit misleading though. A major advance in VR tech? Most definitely.
I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment. I still think saying he created a holodeck is a bit misleading though. A major advance in VR tech? Most definitely.
Please dont get me wrong, this is WAY WAY cool. But it is a far cry from a holodeck.
Why do you think that? Most gun owners are respectful, responsible and law abiding citizens. What experiences Have you had that make you feel this way? I am genuinely interested.
HAHAHA try calling the cops while some dude has kicked in your door and is busy trying to kill you. I am sure they will be right there. Even with the fastest response time you are done. Rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Not to me. I am glad my little girl understands the power of that device. She respects it and i know she wont play with or treat it like a toy. She also can defend herself if someone broke into our home while we arent there.
OF course! All we have to do is reverse the polarity!
Thanks camera man for looking away as soon as the good stuff starts.
Not at ALL as delicious as the headline implied.
Is gluten bad for you? Not unless you are a Celiac patient. Which, BTW, Fecal transplant may help with.
See, it looks like it would be so much freakin fun. But one wrong move and they you are dead. Potentially in an awful and not immediate way.
Also, I enjoy shooting as a sport. So I my ffirearm is dual purpose, entertainment and defense.
Parchment paper.
Not when I have my boomstick!
Magnets? How do they work?
it isnt paranoia. I know the likelihood of me needing it is slim to none. A fact that I am very happy about. However, not having it in a situation where you do need it is not something I would like to experience. But that's the Beauty of 'Merica, I can have one if I want, and if you chose not to, well that's fine too.…
Not in my house. Every single person in my family knows how to use my gun, from my 9 year old daughter to my Mother in law in her late 60s. Only time the gun is ever under lock and key is if Daughter has friends over. Otherwise its on my nightstand, with one in the chamber.
Why not build houses that are dome shaped? Much harder to catch wind and be destroyed.