
Microsoft tested a 4 day work week in Japan of all places, and productivity sky rocketed. Republicans don’t care about positive results, they just want to make sure the working class suffers as much as possible.

So in Texas you can only buy 4 bottles from a distillery, and you can only own 6 sex toys. Texas sure is obsessed with regulating your private life.

Red states, especially Texas and Florida are fast becoming a dystopian utopia for Religious nuts. Ted Cruz once signed a bill into law limiting the amount of sex toys you’re allowed to own.

Misspeaking is not a big deal, but making the same mistake over and over and over again does show mental decline. But the real evidence is when he literally has a brain fart and doesn’t finish a sentence but makes weird noises instead. He definitely is suffering from dementia.

I’m hearing good things about this Pol Pot guy.

He killed millions of people but I like Volkswagen!

He likes Hitler.

This will sell well to Conservatives. 

Maybe the US should implement more privacy regulations than just banning apps. This is a slippery slope even if TikTok is a cesspool. I mean Musk seems to be buddying up with Putin, should we ban Twitter for possible data leaks to Russia?

Lemon is like the girl that thinks she’s going to change her new terrible abusive boyfriend.

Hypocrisy is the highest virtue to Conservatives.

He got Epsteined, and like Epstein they won’t find the killer.  The FBI should look into this not the local police.

Even if it was well done I refuse to watch anything by the D&D, I won’t give them any support.  It’s a shame because I like some of the actors on the show especially Benedict Wong.

For 90% of hunters the point is just to kill something. Taking a high powered rifle to kill an animal, any animal isn’t a challenge.

Inform your bank that this was an fraudulent charge. I had a similar issue with a gym, they kept directing me to a phone number that had a full voicemail. They refused to cancel via email, so I flat out told them I will report every charge as fraudulent. I did that several times, I informed bank I had already

Sounds like he wasn’t very fond of her to start with

That’s because you must live in a red state where your local government keeps screwing over the working class. Like in Florida where inflation is triple the national average.  Most of the country is doing well, your failures are your own. 

Lot’s of torque and HP, terrible suspension and brakes.  That sums up all Teslas.

The exact same tactics used in the 1930's and 40's Germany still works today. Starting with the “fake news” propaganda.

Republicans are most angry that Biden delivered a pretty great speech. He stumbled a few times but he made Republicans look like the useless fools they are.  Facts are simple, Biden created a strong economy, and Republicans fought him every step of the way yet a quick to take credit when Bidens bills pass.