
Just more evidence of how far removed executives are from regular people.

The kind of people still on twitter are the ones who would believe this.

He got greedy, Yakuza live a cushy protected life in Japan.  But this guy had to overstep and try to dabble in international arms trading.

I’m guessing it’s those pesky Jewish space lasers from space again.

Nuts gonna act nutty.

Wow, white supremacists sure are fragile.

How are you “seeing” this? The fact you think this has anything to do with the ATT outage shows you don’t even understand the basics of technology.

This must be a joke, a nationwide outage and you believe that Androids aren’t affected but iPhones are because your android works??

That’s funny a bunch of billionaires pouring money into attack ads.  That’s the best ad FOR Katie Porter ever.

Can’t blame the guy for trying but he doesn’t have a chance.

Whether one supports it or not, it’s going to have to happen.  AI and robotics will replace most workers one day.  It’s unavoidable.

I love it when Fox rails against liberal Hollywood and woke actors then goes, but here to speak about it is a washed up has been, Kirstie Alley!!

I have a bunch of worthless crypto, I see it as a complete loss. But if it ever makes comeback I’ll be rich!

I remember seeing a video of 2 “influencers” at a high end restaurant arguing with the waiter because they wanted to return and entire cake because they didn’t eat it, they just wanted to take a photo with it.

Why would she do that? She purposely spoke out against Republicans knowing she would get a lot of flak for it.

So Biden is a senile old man but also an incredible mastermind who can even rig a Superbowl.

I’m celebrating right now!

Biden rigged the Superbowl to help Taylor Swift!!!

I don’t think anyone still believes this.. do they??

There’s a difference between a robocall about bs insurance and impersonating the President.