
To give any CEO almost 10% of the market cap is pure insanity. Corps use the excuse that they are legally obligated to maximize profits for shareholders when they are doing mass layoffs and cutting salaries and benefits. But how does this maximize profits to give a 55 billion package.

Harvest it for fresh water!! I’m pretty sure I’ve seen at least 2 movies with that idea.

You can usually see what kind of plane it is when you’re booking.  Many of them are the MAX plane.

Florida and Texas battling Mississippi for worst state ever.

I barely use Amazon Prime video, it’s never been good. 

Does anyone still upgrade every year? iPhone, Samsung, Pixel.. you can keep these phones for 5 year + and be fine.

The problem is so many flights I see are on the Max.  It’s difficult to avoid.

Companies are so large and so profitable, continued growth is not sustainable.  One day there will be only 2 or 3 megacorps controlling everything.

All the tech bros are helping him, meaning he’s bought and paid for. 

It’s like when I see a Muslim woman in a full Burka but carrying a shiny handbag.

If it were a picture or comment making fun of Musk it would have been taken down immediately.

Sounds like it’s a combination of things, hot sun, launching the car, and the heavy weight. 

You can if you call it art.

I think the Director should have at least gotten a nomination.  She made a movie about Barbie and it was actually a good movie. She deserves a nod just for that.

If you start with crap, it doesn’t matter what you do, it will always be crap.

I did a search and Hydroflask makes a bowl, it’s an outdoor stainless steel bowl... actually it’s kind of cool lol

These long waits have waned my interest in this show. I used to be excited waiting for the new season, and I’ll still watch it when it comes on but I don’t care anymore.

The weird thing about these little invincible buggers are, you can’t kill them but they die on their own in a couple of years, some may only live a few months.

I hope it’s made for 3D, I know many people don’t enjoy 3D and 90% of them do suck. But Tron Legacy was one of the few movies that was great in 3D.

I’m older so I watched the original as a kid. I also enjoyed the 2nd one, so I may not be asking for it but I’m looking forward to it.