
I’m still so angry at those dummies I refuse to watch this.  I’ll pirate it.

Nature seems like they’ve about had it with the human race.

Smart, get people that weren’t wanted on any other network, that’ll get the ad dollars back in.  Playing 4D chess once again.

Aaron Rogers shouldn’t be wasting his time on being a fool and focus of the dark man in the hat that’s pursing him.

$92 must be some kind of record for a class action lawsuit. Usually it’s a dollar or two after the lawyers take their cut.

I think people would respect him more if he just came out and said yea I have a drug problem and that’s why I’ve been a complete disaster these last few years.

Same way many republicans are trashing Fox because they’re a tiny bit more careful about spreading lies and tells the truth once in a rare while.

Red and orange probably has some blood in their urine.  Greenish... that person is eating something very strange.

I drink too much water, my pee is usually clear.

The drugs and alcohol come later trying to chase that high they got beating video games.

How long before someone makes a steamboat willie sex toy.

He was smart when he hired a PR firm to construct this magical persona. He was smart when he hired the people to handle him and his businesses.

It was over valued and losing money.  Musk bought it at an even higher inflated price.  Now it’s worth less than ever.

You guys just don’t understand his business genius.  He’s playing 4D chess.  And his worshipers insist X runs better than ever since he fired half the staff.  I wouldn’t know how well it’s running since I don’t use it anymore.

The Newton was the foundation for ARM chips and the Palm which led to blackberry and the smartphones.  It was ahead of it’s time.

Stress is a major killer, and if you’re a hypochondriac you are always stressed.

I’m ready to cancel Prime as it is, it’s gotten too expensive.

The first Wonder Woman was good, not as good as everyone makes it out to be but still good. I liked the Superman movies, not Batman vs Superman however. And the Flash was actually the best DC movie. The rest sucked.

I don’t love Siri, when I ask it something all it does is pull web searches.  It can tell me the weather and I can set timers but other than that it’s the dumbest of all digital assistants.

The government has always invested heavily in infrastructure to keep America moving forward. If you’re waiting for private companies to build a network of charging stations EV’s will never become mainstream.