
Talk about inflation!

I hope I can play as Master Chief or Kane and Lynch. Oh, and there better be semi-automatic crossbows, online mulitplayer and achievements galore!

The Adventure of Link.

I agree with the other 98% of comments here.

The issue at heart is a fundamental lack of understanding of — and possibly respect for — physics.

I would like to hear Frank Zappa's opinion's on the matter.

Ooh. Does it crawl like an inchworm? I'd buy one in a flash if it did that.

"Return to monster fighting and rainbow viewing".

If Singularity were being sold as a textbook, I'd understand this PZ Myer's arrogant rant.

Has anyone bothered to contact the Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things yet?

Has anyone bothered to contact the Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things yet?

@rockyoumonkeys: Hahah! I'd star you but im not starred, couldn't star you if I was, and stars don't exist on this site anymore.

@Pointy: I know why. This painting, no?

@Cerabret100: What? I just bought the Knoxx DLC like 2 days ago for 9.99. Those bastards.

Sadly, to create this app, one would need at least 64K of high memory. But the iPhone's config.sys file cannot be edited.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: Im not sure. I think an intern went on a rampage with the banhammer. Worlds like "orwellian" and "draconian" were throw around. Effigies of Crecente were constructed and then burned. It was chaos.

@NuevoLeon: Is this thing on? *taps microphone*.