
@Rootadoo: No its terrible. It shames some of the truly great content that SA has delivered over the years.

"Enter Patrick E. McGovern. (Buy him dinner first.) His 2009 book, Uncorking the Past, lofts the idea that humans first cultivated grains not for making bread, but for brewing alcoholic beverages."

So is this official confirmation that Activision burned it to the ground?

The Onion said it best when they said the iPad launch marked the first time in history when consumers bought something just to see what it was for.

I personally blame FoxConn and Jason Chen for Apple's problems. If it wasn't for those overpaid factory workers getting all emo, or Chen breaking into Steve Jobs house and stealing the iPhone prototype, we'd be living in a completely different world right now I tell ya.

@Shady3011: Poor SA :( It used to be so awesome. I remember when you couldn't go to for 30 seconds without passing out from laughter. Now, its like a PG version of 4chan, or some sort of for depressed nerds.

It would be worse if it did have a soul.

I would LOVE it if someone referred to me as a hot piece of ass.

@Jacque Claude: I was in a bad band in college, maybe I can go on speaking tours and talk about my music...

Dragon Quest IX.

@T-reG: It might be that he used those reports as an alibi for not being with his mistress.

@m.dean: Yoko Ono is "famous" for one reason: Having intercourse with John Lennon.

@Time Pilot AKA: Meanwhile Steve Jobs is like, "No iTunes until you stop running the Beatles library like a Yoko Ono."

@Madeira: Only if you have a game pad for the PC. Keyboard-only controls drive me up a wall.

If i had to sum up PC gaming reporting over the last 20 years, its this:

@Megamonster: Stop spamming your fake parrot photos.

This was definitely not faked. I have it on authority. All three wolves were photographed in nature howling at the moon and so began this feral trios journey through the world of high fashion.

@RT100: I suppose I should have qualified *US market according to comScore.