
"The air conditioner froze up today"

Hey now, us old fogey business types find comfort in those pixels. :P

CEO Sachin Agarwal should check his company's balance sheets. perhaps this will jog his brain into realizing he's not working for a penniless start-up.

I remember hearing a story of a guy who lost his wedding ring on the very night he got married, on his honeymoon.

Not to be confused with the Sega Master System, which was another master system entirely.

DoS Wars:

"Consider it another example of the dangers of having the same company that makes your web browser sell the ads you view inside of it"

@MrNose: This trend began a long time ago. Only recently has it reached saturation.

Ragequitters are pathetic honestly.

Satan planted those bones to test our faith, so the point is moot. Wouldn't you agree?

Awesome photo.

Im saluting her right now as I type this.

@PsiWren: I'll rephrase my entire original post:

Wait, so this is a flash video of HTML 5 stills?

@Nyyark: I do agree with much of what you're saying. there are many cool aspects to the Wiimote that I enjoy.

@TheWon: Well i have all three consoles.

@icy_one: You seem to be of the impression that everything that is written on the internet is automatically hard news.

@diesel828: Guys, its a blog, not the New York Times. In other words, its op/ed, not strict news journalism.

Meanwhile, a dozen guys just found out their wives are MMS cybering with strange dudes at night while they sleep.