
I LOVE nintendo, since that fatefull Christmas morn when I received my original NES Deluxe, complete with robot and light gun.

Im going to set something up tonight, and perhaps others have some better ideas:

How does the 1-button Apple mouse fit into this?

"Its better than zerg at things zerg is bad at and better than Terran at things Terran is good at."

Cool story! I was surprised that some of the best tips for navigating through a busy area weren't included, so im here to fill in the blanks!

Can you get porn apps on Verizon? If so, that's totally the reason for the discrepancy.

@Tendou Souji: He did play a nearly finished build of the game for an hour. Surely that's enough time to cast some judgement?

@Hiccup: its true, I will probably play some, with friends, if they end up buying it.

@warpwhistle: Well yea, SCII is ultimately a multiplayer game, with a single player campaign attached.

I was telling my wife last night that buying Starcraft II for the single player is like subscribing to Playboy for the articles: Noble, but ultimately not the point.

I cried a little bit too when I bought it over digital download and had my hopes crushed by Blizzard's horribly slow p2p client.

SC came out in 1998? Hmm, why didnt i play it?

I will continue to insist that the RealID change had nothing to do with forum trolls.

"[...] when they're done with the future, the past is just around the corner"

I've had my apt building struck by lightning on several occasions. Well, two different apartment buildings.

@Ueziel: Garbage? I for one am very excited to pick up a copy of Chuck E Cheese's Party Games.

@fury161: Um, I think you have that wrong. It is a small, but very real issue, with the iPhone4 that was overblown by Apple *fans*.