Chris Ferejohn

No offense, but Charles Manson is not that interesting. Wait why am I worried about offending Charles Manson 

The trailer made me unreasonably happy. A “Guardians of the Galaxy” vibe is a shockingly perfect fit

Fuck you you fucking racist creep.

My comment isn’t directed at the victim’s testimony. It’s directed at this website, which carefully curated that testimony to highlight it’s weird dick content. That’s the only reason for Jezebel’s post. And I don’t see how body shaming is less reprehensible when it’s directed at less-common body issues. (Sorry that I

I’ll throw out another name, if they ever recast the role: Toheeb Jimoh from Ted Lasso. He’s ludicrously charming and has real screen presence and I would love to see him get a big blockbuster role.

My wife falls asleep at every movie we go see, so if someone wants to put a “people passed out” blurb on their poster send us some tickets and we’ll make it happen.

I’m a simple person, I see Airplane! I upvote.

I'm so sick of elves and magic. Can't we see a Middle Earth casino? Subvert my damn expectations already! 

They have it with the Sandman, but they’re being inexplicably weird about renewing that.

America’s rear Admiral…

Endgame and Falcon and Winter Soldier are set up pretty neatly so that you don’t actually have to watch the show. You’ll easily be able to watch Cap 4 and just assume Sam accepted the shield and became Cap right away, and the show is there if you ever want the full story on it.

Now playing

He was great on The Sopranos and all but nothing beats his appearance on The Bert and Ernie Christmas Special:

It wasn’t the ending.  It was that they rushed it and didn’t earn it.


Yeah, when you find someone that wants it to be federally illegal for Chappelle to do whatever horseshit he’s doing, you go ahead and dig this speech back up out of the trash. As it stands you know full well everyone just wants him to know he’s doing horseshit and wish he’d stop.

The idea that theres literally ANY benefit to calling out a powerful man for abuse, is so ridiculous, laughable, untethered to anything resembling reality that it can’t even be argued against because it’s a BLATANT lie and they know it. You can’t convince someone who is blatantly lying on purpose.

Oh, you’re only saying that because it’s true.

She isn’t.

It’s just like why, *why* would she make this up? Because she gets off on being the target of vile racist sexist vitriol calling her a liar? 

A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.