Chris Ferejohn

Ten years ago I wouldn’t have believed that Lady Gaga was going to be an enduring and beloved part of pop culture, and man am I glad to be wrong.

How would you know what she meant? Are you some kind of physics?

Shatner sucks, Sisko is best Captain!

Honestly nihilism & Trumpism go hand-in-hand. Trumpers are so angry and depressed that they’re basically willing to die so long as they die believing they’re a quarter step higher on the ladder than anyone who doesn’t share their skin tone.

I try not to be a pedant. I really do. But it really annoys me when people use “cheers” as a verb. The word “toast” already exists and is perfectly sufficient.

to be this stunningly stupid is an achievement, in a way

Saw B.B. live, front row in 2010. He couldn’t walk onto stage unassisted at that point and I wasn’t sure how much of a show we were in for, but man could his fingers fly. At 85 he hadn’t lost an ounce of guitar playing.

You’re done with Rick and Morty to the extent that you’ll continue to show up to every AV Club post about it to comment on how problematic it is and how morally superior you are for not watching it.

How do you solve a problem like Verhoeven?

I’ve always thought this was the coolest part of biology: getting to name brand new (to science) organisms after whatever just happened to pop into your head.

Regarding blasphemy: it’s the viewer’s responsibility to manage their own offense. I’m religious, and sometimes find myself uncomfortable with elements of fiction. When this happens I remind myself this is a personal reaction, based on my beliefs, and has nothing to do with whether the work should exist or not. If I

Because Verhoeven asked her to take off her panties due to them being white and reflecting too much light. He assured her that you wouldn’t actually be able to see anything, it would shadow, so she was rightfully aghast when that wasn’t the case during the first screening she saw.

Beat me to it. This screams Crank 3 and I'm on board. 

We may never know who sent that mob of angry trump supporters from the trump rally to go storm the capitol building shouting trump slogans and trying to murder trumps opponents with trump flags.

Its a total mystery.

have you met people? 

I was all stoked Max von Sydow was going to be in The Force Awakens. ~sigh~

Did you know that Joe Biden is leader of an organization that has it’s roots in slaveholders????

Lets not kid ourselves.  If you grew up in a town in this country with at least say 75 years of history, then chances are at least half of the organization that run in that town had a racist past

I just hope they retain Death’s style; it’s about time Black goths got their time in the shade.

Most good people are constantly worried they may not be a good person.