Chris Ferejohn

Yeah, I mean they paint him as...exactly the guy he is on air. 

I mean there is probably some value in using language to differentiate “believing all women exist to serve men/him specifically” and “detesting all women and wanting to interact with them as little as possible”. 

It seems incredibly contemptuous of the writers grievances to me. More or less “everything was basically fine, what are they even complaining about, let’s just get back to work”.

If (and it’s an if) “cancelling” really means anything, it definitely does not mean “experiencing any criticism at all”, which is how she seems to be using the word (and she’s not alone in this regard).

If I may set the bar incredibly low, at least he did not respond by digging in his heels and saying even shittier and shittier things. 

I’d argue that the Cabin Fever (I think that was the name) song in Muppet Treasure Island is effectively a drug trip song.

Uranus has recently been ogled... speak for all homeless people on this matter? “Unhoused” may feel cringe, but I’ve known quite a few homeless people who went very far out of their way to avoid describing themselves as “homeless”.

Wow. Not sure where that came from. I was merely pointing out the other poster’s attempt to predict what terms will or will not stick is pretty hubristic.

Ben Johnson said the same thing about the word “building” referring to a built structure, so who the fuck knows man. Why do you care?

I found it enjoyable despite some pretty obvious things that were dramatically modified or cut at some point in production.

Jesus I don’t know if the officer actually somehow figured out that the ~3x3 square directly behind the stopped car would be protected or just got incredibly lucky in terms of where he happened to run.

Man I forgot how much I liked the music in that movie.

I do think actual scammers are fairly rare, but the point about property markets getting fucked up by people/companies turning what are supposed to be residences into hotels is valid (though hardly the only reason property markets are so fucked up).

MySpace Tom was a friend of mine.

It is funny that he thinks taking away @npr will delegitimize NPR when in fact it will delegitimize Twitter (I mean slightly more than it already is).

Finally we have D&D familiar technology.

Huh? These were 3 completely different attempts to launch a spiderman franchise over the course of 25 years. They did throw them all in a movie at the end to be clever, but this is like complaining that the 1914 black and white phantom of the opera doesn’t sing so why does the guy in the musical.

Huh, I don’t think I’d consider Slay the Spire and Marvel Snap to be in the same genre.