Chris Ferejohn

Yeah I mean under studio lights, on a timer and having just no idea what the answer is you just want to put *something*.

Trivia nerd-dom is extremely broad (like people come in from a history context, a sports context, a science context, etc), and also people who are “serious” about Jeopardy study pretty specific lists of stuff and sci-fi authors are niche enough in the Jeopardy category list that they are not often studied

I mean I’m sure it was “well this is wrong but I don’t want to put nothing”

He is just the living embodiment of “for every complex problem, there’s a simple solution, and it’s wrong”. Like he just wades into situations where a necessarily complex solution has been developed over time and just says “this is too complicated - just do this simple thing instead” and it nearly inevitably falls on

No police were killed. One was shot. It is very much in doubt whether it wasn’t from another police officer. 

Honestly the video was less trouble to get through than that terrible site (but neither are great).

Also what she did in Legion was dramatically different.

I feel I must keep in mind exactly how many times we collectively wrote off Trump.

They definitely are a little alike in that they both take away control that a player might expect for a smoother (or at least different) game play experience.
I got Vampire Survivor knowing nothing about it other than people liked it (well and it was like $2) and I spent probably 15 minutes thinking “it can’t possibly

I think the red shirts made me think of Paranoia too (though the whole ‘red shirt’ thing may well have influenced Paranoia to begin with).

Feels like a hybrid of Star Trek and Paranoia.

Sure, but point remains it was an exaggeration (or perhaps a leapt-to conclusion) based on actual correctly reported facts, not an extended campaign of outright falsehoods based on the wishful thinking of Trump and his fanbase. Alex Jones attempted a similar defense for his extended campaign of lies about school

I agree the fights were mostly not too hard (though honestly I didn’t mind that in a game that’s so damned long anyway). It’s just that this fight was hard in a way that didn’t feel challenging so much as it felt tedious. Like Elden Ring boss fights can feel impossible and unfair (which I grant is no small amount of

Having now read that it doesn’t really seem that similar. Maddow accurately reported (per the link) that the OAN reporter was also employed by Russian state controlled media. She made a hyperbolic claim that this meant that Russian state controlled media was controlling OAN. I grant she should have retracted that.

What the fuck are you talking about. “The State” can’t scream anything. Many people in positions of power, put there against the votes of the majority of Ft. Lauderdale, say such things, but the idea that every resident of a state is responsible for the statements of their leaders is childish and risible.

Was that before or after they smashed windows, smeared shit on the walls, and violently assaulted police officers?

See I loved all the Uncharted games and found Witcher III to be incredibly tedious and checked out after playing 10 hours or so that felt like endless random quests that served a story I knew or cared nothing about.

Hopefully she has people close to her who can understand better - I think we all agree that “fans on the internet” are not going to be the right source for such an intervention, even if they happen to be correct (and I am in no way saying they are).

A game, which is *flat*.

America can, should, must, and will blow up the tornado.