Chris Ferejohn

I was just going to say that. Admittedly I did not see it in the theatre, where I imagine the effects would have looked cool, but I just found it a deeply mediocre movie and I do not get the nostalgia for it.

I feel like there’s an arc with the Wilhelm scream.

I think I saw Barton Fink when I was too young to quite get it, but my memories of that movie are Goodman coming down the hallway as it lights up in fire behind him, and Lerner saying “You think you’re the only one who can give us that Barton Fink feeling?”

Well as opposed to the “better than the god awful Godzilla movie”.

RIP Zodiac Motherfucker

I mean by that logic why make the last one? If a new remake/reboot/sequel has new ideas like the last one, it could be good. Don’t get me wrong, it could also be bad, but an original story can also be bad.

I mean a statue of Stalin could plausibly be construed as hate speech. To take it a step further, if someone painted their house with Nazi swastikas, that certainly seems like a problem.

I’m in a condo where I will grant we need an HoA because all of the “not people’s dwellings” parts of the apartment need to be managed, but it’s this constant thing where the people who want to be on the board are the people who I’d least like to be there. Of course if I complain then people start telling me to run

People yell and spit at us if we don’t stop when they want to take a selfie”

I mean it feels like there’s a good way to say you don’t like a joke and a way to do it while being a total dick and he did the second one. 

I was kind of split on that - I first thought it was a joke about how big it was, but then I thought “oh maybe this is just what they call this interdimensional space”. We’ll see I suppose.

As as anyone who went to school knows, *nobody* is cooler than the principal...

Man this headline was like “oh that sounds like a possibly funny video” to “oh no”

And they call it a hat even though it is clearly a t-shirt...

Agree it was a distraction, but insofar as it may have been conceived cynically, it certainly appears they invested way more than ‘distraction’ resources in it, meaning at some point somebody (presumably Zuck at least) started really believing it.

Also you’ll really be able to walk!

Agree with all this, but can pretty easily see why the idea of creating, I don’t know, Ready Player One I guess, makes a really good pitch deck, and you can always get someone who knows (or appears to know) about tech to say it’s technologically feasible for a big enough investment.
And for that matter, they are

Yeah, my reaction was kind of ‘hey that was neat’.

I don’t think it means it will necessarily be good, just that it could actually have a point. Like your best case scenario with the Beauty and The Beast remake is that you ended up with a copy of Beauty and the Beast. At least here you *could* end up with something better than the original.

Sure, Smash Brothers is silly. “Silly, but for serious gamers” just seems like a weird niche to try to create.