
That same deeply annoying face at that.

1983 Buick Century for me. Bought it at 8 years old from an elderly lady who had given up driving. Had 60k miles on it. Slow yet still guzzled gas. Trans went after I had it for 6 months. Got a cheap rebuild and then a few weeks later the engine went. Gave up at that point.

Pretty much all new cars are boring, at these those that are affordable to the average Joe, but they’re so much safer and reliable that its more than worth the trade-off. I shudder at the thought of my kids driving the “cool” cars from my own teenage years...

Constitutionally protected rights? The Republican party and SCOTUS have decreed you have the right to be a conservative Christian straight white male. And own a gun. That’s it. Anything apart from that is now up for debate. Next is marriage equality, birth control, the list goes on. And just wait until a non-Christian

Was literally about to post just that

Then they somehow made live action look like lame, boring CGI..

Easy to cut in terms of narrative importance, but they were two of the more interesting characters in the book, imo, and really helped flesh out the world building and behind-the-scenes scheming the empire is built on.

Given Villaneuve completely eliminated the Harkonnen’s vulgar tackiness, as well as everything else that made them interesting villains, probably not...

Despite my disappointment for Dune 1 I’m still psyched for part 2. Hoping they can redress some of the wrongs. Including minor characters like Lady Margot seems like a good sign. Hopefully this means they’ll include Count Fenring as well...

With a hammer and sickle flag and rainbow flag for good measure...

It’s not a “claim”. You can see it right in the video.

I preferred the tall hatchback look of the previous generation. It was at least recognizable in a crowd. This is full blown, forgettably generic SUV.

Good, I was hoping it will all explained, instead of being lazy/half-assed writing and retrofitting...

Not to mention the disturbing opening scene completely contradicts what we know about Eleven from previous seasons.

Who was, as I recall from my reading of the novel many years ago, an interesting and compelling villain along the lines of Harold Lauder in The Stand. Deleting him make the bad guys a lot less threatening. And watering down Rainbird by making him a victim of The Shop too is effing lame. Moot point anyway, I opted out

I was shocked by how terrible it was.

Boise might be kind of cool. Otherwise the state is full of white supremacists and Mormon fundamentalists.

Will never understand why so many pickup drivers feel so threatened by people riding bikes. 

I lived in Chicago at the time and I seem to recall that the consensus was this was done as political virtue signaling to help shore up support for Daley, to boost property values in an already wealthy area and as an eff you to downstate Republicans. Anybody who thinks an Illinois politician, particularly an utterly

I’m sorry you’re such a fan of misogyny and homophobia. When you’re a grownup you’ll understand its not cool to brag about beating up gay people and sexually exploiting women.