
Umm, sorry, dumbass, not liking rap isn’t racist.

Unfortunately, I do. Having three teenagers in my home, I’m exposed to it pretty much every single day.

This is parody? “You ain’t too smart / below the chart / didn’t have your head start / but hustling my art / scaling up like Walmart” seems about par for the average rap song. The only thing that would have tipped me off this was parody was the lisp.

No affordable cars, all SUV/CUV lineup, fuel efficiency a secondary consideration...really looking forward to GM sucking up my tax dollars again for a bailout when the market changes or gas prices take a serious jump.

Walmart bikes are absolutely fine for younger kids, we had a Jeep-branded mountain bike that started out new with my oldest and got passed down to his younger siblings. Each had a fine time riding it around with friends and generally thrashing the crap out of it. Looked like shit in the end but still functioned. It

Heck, regardless of their donations, neither will get my money ever again after they burned me multiple times with their garbage cars.

Whatever. I don’t buy their shitty cars anyway.

And don’t forget the Marlboro Reds. Box, not soft pack...

Bud Lite? No mullet-sporting, sleeveless T-shirt wearing, Anthrax cranking Firebird driver with an ounce of self respect would touch that swill. It was Miller Genuine Draft all the way, baby...

The scale of Dune is big, alright. As in a big bore and a big nothing. What a wasted opportunity. I would sit through Lynch’s silly version again a dozen times before I wasted another two and a half hours of my life rewatching Villaneuve’s take.

Exactly. I understand the logic behind Lightice’s argument about distinct breeds of humans evolving in the Dune universe, but seems to me the Atreides and Harkonnens would be of the same breed. The more “alien” breeds would be those on the fringe of the empire and outside the noble houses of the Laandsrad, like the

The GUILD...does not TAKE...your ORDERS... 

Maybe because it hasn’t been released in the US yet?

Personally, I enjoy a bit of cartoonishness in my villians, but I’ll admit I could understand the need to tone it down a bit. But nonetheless, I still want to see the Game of Thrones-style house rivalry and palace intrigue of the book, not just a Lord of the Rings-style brave humans battle icky monsters narrative.

I dunno, making them generic one-dimensional Darth-Vader-y villians seems too boring, they’re much more interesting as depicted in the book where they’re sort of a negative mirror reflection of House Atreides — amoral instead of ethical and honorable, tacky and base instead of sophisticated, self-indulgent instead of

Very much looking forward to this, in a cautiously optimistic way, but seems like Villaneuve really dropped the ball with his generic-villian depiction of the Harkonnens and Giedi Prime. Both are described in the books as tacky and self-indulgent, with a veneer of fake luxury over shabby underpinnings, not this cliched

Why limit it to Marvel movies? Pretty much all Hollywood action movies are generic cut and paste, whether its Marvel or James Bond or whatever.

Still, Brolin has a grizzled, hard edged look that works pretty well for the role, I think. Really, my only complaint about the cast is Jason Momoa. Got nothing against him as an actor, but both his appearance and his performance (based on the trailers) are completely wrong for Duncan Idaho.

As Generic Poster implied, exactly.

I don’t think it was portrayed that way in the book. Plus, the Harkonnen’s “good” genes and potential for physical attractiveness plays a small but important part in the book, if you recall...