
Well, I got there by watching the various trailers where the Harkonnens are portrayed as not quite human, with their vampire pallor and assorted head wrinkles and bumps.

“sallow, hairless, bloated fascists”

This one single quote indicates she’s toxic? No, this one single quote indicates she was trying to do her job as a parent and in her exasperation she got a little bit bitchy. 

Tarantino’s narcissistic douchebaggery was well established before this story came out.

Hmmm... it’s almost like QT is an incredible douchebag and narcissistic garbage person...

Yep, that’s the great thing about having been a decidedly unattractive younger person — you’ve got no looks to lose as you get older. I look at my peers as we slog through middle age and think wow, you guys really look like shit now”, while I look at myself and think “look at you, you haven’t changed a bit, you’re

Yes, he has shitty taste for sure.

Not in any other pop culture genre, for one...

Glad to see rap/hip hop whatever is finally being called out for this kind of bigotry. I just don’t understand what took so long. My eldest listens to this kind of crap and a fair amount is just horrible hateful misogyny, homophobia and toxic masculinity.

I’ll take SGI speed punching over the god-awful Hollywood dialogue and one-liners the screenwriters threw in any day...

Nor how he’s described in the book. But I can overlook that. The Harkonnens and the Iron Man superhero suit not so much...

I have no idea, but that would explain how the headline got through...

Self-applied and within the community is the key, I thought...

Or at the very least some freshly squeezed mouse juice.

Yeah, this trailer gives me significantly less optimism than the first. Too much sappy heartfelt faux-inspirational dialogue, too much Paul in an Iron Man suit, too many Hollywood one liners...

The Syfy mini series

In the book he didn’t even hover, he just had half of his body wait supported so he only carried half on his feet. Wouldn’t make the most impressive visual that way…

So, what, better that the shadow government/powerful organization of behind-the-scene schemers be dominated by men, as has generally been the case throughout history? Apart from their covert activities, the Bene Gesserit are powerful and respected for their knowledge and skills. Being decried as “witches” was meant to

It’s a Hollywood blockbuster, so they’re going to have to stupid it up to some extent if they expect Muricans to pony up their hard earned cash...

If you’ve read the books, Chalamet is perfect for the role. Jason Momoa, considerably less so. Ironic that all the incels/Trumptards crying about the race and gender change of Kynes are mum about the partial whitewashing of the sole POC in the books. But my biggest reservation is with changing the Harkonnens into