
In the books the Fremen are white also. And while the “chosen one” needs to be male, having an all-female organization of super-intelligent, super-competent women who pretty much secretly run a galactic civilization from behind the scenes seems fairly enlightened for the era this book was written in. 

Yeah, I’m not even an overly PC kind of guy, but is that something we’re still supposed to do, repurpose LGBT terms as insults to mock somebody’s appearance? That’s something I would expect from a grade schooler or a Trump supporter, not a functioning adult.

Also, yes, as a Gen-Xer I still love Night of the Comet. Watching it again 35 years later, it’s so over-the-top 80s it doesn’t even look like it was made in the 80s, it looks like a newer film that was set in the 80s. If that makes sense.  

Plus it’s kind of already been done, like a lot at this point. Didn’t this genre start 20 years ago with the Canadian low-budget independent film Last Night? That one wasn’t too bad.

Hmm, I did not know that. I had always gotten the impression Herbert was on the liberal intellectual side.

Not a pedophile, just a sleaze who liked teen boys.

Was he? Or was it just because the book was written in the early 60s when attitudes about sexuality were radically different than they are now? It was pretty common back then to make any gay characters the bad guys.

It’s not a remake. It’s a movie adaptation of a book.

There are certainly much worse movies out there, but I don’t understand the love this movie gets at all, or why anyone would consider it a classic. Almost Famous is pretty much the definition of generic throwaway corporate entertainment product. It’s the cinematic equivalent of going out to dinner at Applebee’s.

Tarantino is most defintely an insufferable douche whose work is way, way overrated based on the fact he made a couple of good movies 20-30 years ago. That being said, Reservoir Dogs does not have “racist” moments, it has characters who are deliberately depicted as racist as a way of demonstrating what scumbags they

How many miles/kilometers on it? Does it even have an odometer?

“Friday” most defintely falls into the “so-bad-it’s-good” camp in my household — even though my kids have long aged out of teenybopper pop we’ll still play it every now and then just for yucks, and on many a Friday someone in the house will walk around singing the sound out loud for the family’s amusement. So I was

Tragically, and also horribly by the sound of it.

I thought they died after getting stuck inside papier-mache Spaniards...

I’ll admit you bring up some good points. While I read the book as a kid I didn’t remember the other children made a final appearance. I liked the ambiguity about what happened to them in the Gene Wilder version, it gave the whole thing a bit of a sinister undertone. I thought the Depp version (the one time I watched

Which is ironic, given all the overly liberal PC “virtue-signaling” the Depp version is full of — explaining away Wonka’s eccentricities by showing him as the poor victim of a psychologically abusive father, reassuring the audience that the other kids were just fine at the end, deleting the criticisms of “bratty”

I’m thinking Charlie and his family are pretty big winners if they can sell a snippet of home video for hundreds of thousands of dollars...

Sorry, hadn’t seen your other post. Yeah, “Latine” seems like a much better choice than either, given that it was created by actual Spanish speakers, it’s based on Spanish spelling rules and it’s pronounceable in Spanish...

I’m honestly curious about that, as a good friend of mine who’s Mexican hates it too (yes, I asked him about it once). Is “Latinx” something that originated within the Latin community? Or is it just some sort of under-the-radar cultural imperialism created by white progressive academic types? Also, if the aim is to

The foot/nail sequence is one of the few scenes put to film that I have to close my eyes for.