
The plot, which Krasinski alone devised” shamelessly ripping off Tim Lebbon’s novel The Silence for literally the entire premise of both movies...

Despite being questioned twice by campus security guards, she kept handing out her Instagram promos and bugging students”

Well, it’s a move in the right direction. Next he needs to announce he doesn’t plan to work, period, so we’ll all be spared his unfunny smug annoyingness.

Surprised no mention of the two clever (in my opinion) easter eggs — the news bulletin playing on the radio in Lucille’s car is taken verbatim from Night of the Living Dead, then the song she blasts next featured prominently in the Return of the Living Dead soundtrack...

In the novel, they’re more zombie-ish than vampire-ish. 

Agreed. All this Gen-Xer whined about was the fact it was the lamest attempt at guitar smashing the world has seen. I mean, really, put some back into it next time...

Yeah, somehow I suspect the cars are actually the least of these people’s concerns...

That precedent was set in the first episode of the first season. When walkers get bored and nothing’s going on, they go catatonic. Or nap. Something like that. Actually, I think it’s a cool little detail. Makes sense they’d have to power down and conserve energy every now and then.

The traffic jam and piles of bodies in the tunnel were the result of a military blockade at the opposite end, where US soldiers were gunning down anyone who attempted to leave the city.

He used to have it in him, back in the day. Carrie, Salem’s Lot, The Shining, The Dead Zone, Misery all had varying degrees of satisfying endings.

I dunno. Nadine in the book was more complex and nuanced — conflicted, unsure, in over her head and not at all as down with Flagg’s mission and her role in it as she tells herself she is. Seems to me they just changed her into a generic femme fatale and conservative-Christian style “sinful woman” who leads men astray.

Quite so. Not to mention portraying the military as honorable and not at all at fault for the plague, as opposed to the book where the military is fascist and deeply evil. I had posted after the first episode that the show struck me as one big Trumper/right-winger suck-up fest.

Do they explain why Trashcan Man looks like an extra from a Mad Max movie?

Watched A Clockwork Orange for the first time in maybe 30 years. Even more deranged than I remember it. Brilliant in some ways — the wink-wink tongue-in-cheek tone, the comically over-exaggerated mannerisms of Alex, Deltoid, the prison guard, the writer and so on, the sly little humorous bits constantly thrown out

At the end of the day, something like this is a merely a corporate entertainment product that needs to maximize its ROI and nothing more. Not serve the fans, deliver a coherent story, be intelligent, be insightful, etc. So I’d imagine the CBS business plan was “Churn out a vaguely The Stand-flavored pile of crap as qui

More than pointless, it’s an utterly inept change that shows a complete lack of understanding of who Flagg is and what he’s supposed to represent, and negates King’s deliberately dark and cynical portrayal of the US military and government. I’d guess CBS is run by a bunch of terrified Trump ass-kissers and they didn’t

I think somebody just handed them some notes scrawled on a piece of paper in Crayon and they took it from there.

“He doesn’t know that he’s inciting a riot. I believe that.”

Harold and Nadine work quickly to cover up the murder of Teddy”

I believe adaptations can and should make changes.”