I Love that; 3ds Too! As in This is a 3DS as well! :-)
I Love that; 3ds Too! As in This is a 3DS as well! :-)
The bible....? The Prequels are a mixtures of new testament/old testament lucifer falling tropes all over it...
This is how I felt about my Sous Vide Machine. (Not Game related) But it feels good when you drop a bunch of cash on a hope of having something awesome, and it turn out it is indeed Awesome!! Now who wants steak!
Nothing makes me more excited than to know Mods are coming to XBOne !
And PikaTroll does critcal damage.
Not sure if sarcasm is indeed here but that game is super awesome lol
What games does Mac OSX come with?
Not only DLC but DLC that is already on the disc and just has t be unlocked!!!!!
*insert silly conservative troll statement* See I can do it too.
This made me laugh, you are very funny
I think shit-talking an dropping an N-bomb are two different things right. You kill me and razz a bit (I know I just said razz) thats all in fun, done in sports done everywhere when you win right. But the line needs to be drawn somewhere on what is appropriate....
It’s is your software but now your server. This is the same thing with a lot of online games you are more than welcome to continue playing the game on single player mode but you don’t have the right to access the servers that they are providing.
This post should be called everything that is wrong with happiness. You are a happiness killer!
What I really want is for this to evolve into a SAO type of thing, We need baby steps. I'm hoping this is it!
*Spoiler Alert* Everyone is dead at the end of LOST. (Is it really a spolier if a game has been out this long)
"I get you're relaxed but I swear if you pop out an egg!"
Gotta love command hooks! They can hold anything!
Are you sure?
This made me so happy :-)
Eh how about we just don't touch anyone ever without permission