
No Catcher in the Rye? What a bunch of goddamn phonies.

Can’t deny the exuberance, though. Nor the taking seriously of anything. Party ‘til you puke, bro.

Aren’t you a little short for an iconic assassin?

“lighting servant” lol

Only if you promise to lay off all the extra ranch dressing. Oil and vinegar is your friend from now on, mkay?

Make sure you play with it outside for a few hours, Codename: Porkchop.

It looks like the day of redditors taking their ball and going home is at hand.

Exquisite, if risky, trolling.

He forgot to wash his feet before getting in the doughboy. A big no-no in the white trash community.

There never was a Mrs. Jingleheimer-Schmidt, was there.

Sophie’s Choice. Grab a hanky before you settle in.

Cat On A Cold French Wing

It’s the toes, right? Man toes are gross.

Saddest movie ever is now haha-hilarious. That’s hard to do. Kudos.

Country fan crossover pandering garbage for your consideration.