Maybe they think gloves makes them look klassy or something? It’s not really cold enough to pull off that look...
Maybe they think gloves makes them look klassy or something? It’s not really cold enough to pull off that look...
Damn - I literally gasped out loud at my desk jn. That’s one klassy ‘murican, tell you what...
I had the best people looking into it! Everybody knew they were the best. Wait til I tell you what they found...#sad
I would vote for some other woman, I just *can’t* vote for her because she flargeled when she said she would bargle. And did you hear her laugh? She just seems so - oh I don’t know, I can’t quite put my finger on it...but I totally would vote for that other woman who isn’t running...for sure.
Turn her into a brood mare because forced birthers can’t accept full autonomy? Absolutely not. WE have the responsibility to keep abortions legal and safe. And if the legal goes away, we have to keep them safe - and underground if needed. But we NEVER turn ourselves into brood mares. EVER.
But, but, but what if someone who has no relationship to you doesn’t agree with your choice?! They need to give you input..
Do you think Obama ever nominated anyone as supremely unqualified for any cabinet position as Sessions? The people are objecting for a legitimate reason - not simply because they don’t like Sessions (or any other nominee).
Though it will be interesting to see how the media covers the protests. They did a damn fine job hiding them when Bush was installed...I do think though it will be harder to hide the ones against t***p’s installation.
‘Cept a bible!
And what Department was Hillary in charge of? I wouldn’t put it past him to screw with State folks especially...
Speaking of Eno, give a listen to his “Another Green World” album. It’s an earlier work but still available. The cut “Not Yet Remembered” is one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever!
The blend of fonts is what puts this right over the top!! Truly outstanding work...
We knead this to stop. Let’s roll out some more ideas...
God-fucking-damnit! To lose this fine decent man (and family AND VP!) to the treasonous, ugly, pig-ignorant garbage man t***p and his klan of grifters pisses me off more than anything in my 56 years!
It wouldn’t necessarily be a pissed off liberal though, it could be t***p true believer who gets pissed when he doesn’t build the wall/ban the mooslems/lock her up.
If that’s the case she can fully and loudly and publicly denounce her spawn. She obviously can attract the media so call a news conference and state you are disowning him, severing all ties, removing him from your life. She’s not doing anything but whining now.
This is so damn perfect! 🐈 🐱
Of course these garbage people are emboldened as of late - they got the head birther as PE.
Forced birth
Do you believe her though? I need absolute proof from any member of that klan before I believe any claim they make.