
It's really simple. I bet they'll have the SKUs divided the same way as they do for Windows 7. The basic "Home" version will axe the Desktop. The Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate versions won't.

I don't like how the Xbox works as a WMC Extender, so I just turn on media streaming in WMP and Xbox will see your computer as a DLNA server. Works much better that way, the interface is the "normal" Xbox interface which means much cleaner and faster.

It might not be Sony, and it might not be next year, but someone someday will succeed at making this change. It's inevitable.

Now playing

I'll be humming the first time I fly on one of these bad boys.

The beauty of AMOLED.

Your Arya Stark reference treads dangerously along the spoilers line...

Being "better" doesn't matter nearly as much as selling as many of them as you possibly can.

Oh for real? GRRRRR.... split keyboard at the bottom would be perfect.

Probably because all their Samsung chips are going into the GSII phones.

Yes, by about a hundred times yes. He looks like he's having fun there, as opposed to the first picture where he looks like a diseased Dr. Evil.

That photo is creeping me out. Horrible bloated-looking creepy 'shop. Get rid of it please! #suggestions

They're not exposing anyone to HIV, if that's what you're thinking.

I will buy it when you explain to me what "people are legal" means. People is not a verb.

No SSD? That needs to change, and the price needs to be 60% of what it is. Then this would be on the top of my Christmas list.

Then I'll just wait for Apple or Google to come lay fiber at my house, and the downfall of cable will be complete.

First earthquake ever for me! (in NC) — reply if you also experienced your first earthquake in a not-normal-for-that state

I saw an article earlier today about how HP wants to move away from hardware and into software and services. What gives???

+1. Exactly. Any good app is going to have a robust notification system in it, so that you need to spend as little time with it in the foreground as possible.

The SNES absolutely had a redesign. I don't recall one for the other two, though (unless you count a myriad of new colors for the GBC.)

It bugs me that, without fail for every single one, I think the Morrowind faces look way better than the Oblivion ones.