
Oovee, pay the son of a bitch already. You entered a contract, you’re obligated to stick to it, you fucking twatwaffles.

Meanwhile, Derek Smart’s shitpile of a game, Line of Defense, continues to be listed on Steam, despite a campaign to have it removed from the Steam Storefront.

What I like about Denovo, is that it isn’t a form of DRM, but a way to prevent tampering with the game files. Though, I understand that Denovo is keeping how it works a secret.

It’s just a canned animation. Now, if it was procedural “destruction” mechanics, I’d be all agog about it. Try again, Kirk. Your cash overlords are not impressed.

I’m late to this party, but I think I’d rather see a brand new ship built, using the hullform of the USS Alaska (CB-01), and fitted with 16" guns with the option to swap two turrets out for railgun assemblies. In addition to this, it’s possible to have a battleship hull accomodate an absurdly large number of VLS

And one of the suspects in the case ran to Ghana right after reporting her and the kids missing.

Nope, America. Those clothes aren’t Russian. Who other than a masochist wears a wife-beater in the frozen north?

Hey, at least Square Enix makes it a point to actually include East and West in their MMO releases. NCSoft hasn’t been keeping notes on what happened with FFXIV.

No subtitles? Well, screw you too.

Looks like a successful, non-buggy version of Line of Defense, but with more features and assets!

Actually, if I’m not mistaken, they’re building a new Train Simulator using Unreal Engine 4, and it would mean that they’re skipping over TS2016 (or simply making the new UE4 game carry the TS2016 name).

For $3,000, I could buy a decent model railroad train set, and build a custom model railroad layout that’s roughly the same size as a fullsize bed. I’m not kidding.

And what driving simulators are there that aren’t absurdly overpriced? :P

The “epic” is the fact that he fired an unguided rocket at a moving target at a range that would have had a 99% miss rate.

We’re pretty much at the point of development where CIG has a solid set of features that they know they have to focus on. There was even a stretch goal for pets. PETS! And that feature has been put on the backburner so hard, I don’t think anybody cares. :p

I will reply to this:

It gets a “free pass” because it’s only three years into development, compared to how other publishers do it (four years of work, followed by one or two years of marketing and polishing development).

Buddy...I’ve played War Thunder and World of Tanks. The “F2P” vibe you speak of is barely existent here. Star Citizen is Buy To Play, similar to Guild Wars 2. Of course, there will probably be cash shop options for players to continue funding development. Let’s name a few examples:

Let me start by saying “thank you”, for your professionalism in not jumping on the sensationalist-clickbait wagon, and giving He Who Shall Not Be Named, the attention he so ferverently craves.

Is the trackball good for gaming?

Is the trackball good for gaming?