
I suggest The Last Inning, a good manga about a baseball team in high school.

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Fucking citizens out of having a fair say since 2005.

I’m the guy that posted the initial reddit thread cited here. Granted, it’s a lot of torches and pitchforks that others brought to the thread, though my focus was on Gaijin’s shenanigans primarily because I’ve spent a not-small sum of money on it, and I care about the game’s future.

Here’s the thing: Those boobs are gonna wear out pretty fast. I’ve seen soft-body figures deteriorate in a matter of months, even without interaction.

Before, it was actual direct ownership of a COPY of the fucking software. There was a time when the software was sold on DVD’s and CD’s, and we were entitled to proper ownership of that SPECIFIC copy of the software.

It runs. It runs real good. And I think it can run on a laptop. Just gotta turn a lot of things down, lol. I've heard that it's a fairly lightweight game compared to today's hardcore games.

There are a lot. In addition to that, some SWAT members use these raids as an excuse to commit extrajudical killings of drug dealers and other people that would have been found guilty anyway (at least in their eyes). I've seen videos where SWAT officers celebrated shooting a suspect, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

The Princess' outfit would be freaking difficult to nail.

I'll buy the case. I'm not buying those overpriced rigs, though.

You're forgetting that the call alleged that people were *already shot*. That implies an active shooter situation. You know what that means right? It means people in the vicinity would know that something's going on. That creates a social signature that propagates from the point of incident that can be easily noticed.

Mindset definitely has been tainted. Also, the militarization of police departments nationwide has not helped, either.

What part of... "BANG BANG! BANG BANG! BANG BANG!" that reverberates throughout the entire fucking building do you not get?

I know that. But you can multitask in the mind, and when you're rushing to the scene: You should be able to notice the telltale signs of an active shooter situation. If there are no signs of an active shooter situation...

It's called having a good head on your shoulders, buddy. Many police officers do NOT have this quality.

Here's the thing, jackass. Any kind of hostage situation or other active-scenario situation is GOING TO HAVE WITNESSES THAT THE POLICE CAN ACCESS. They're going to have multiple 911 calls confirming the incident, because if someone started firing a gun inside a building, you can bet more than one person will call 911.

The problem is that they are lacking in actual, on-scene critical thinking skills. This is why SWAT uses these calls as an excuse to cause property damage in order to get their jollies on. It's disgusting, insulting and pathetic.

One problem with how the authorities are responding to these calls: 1. they don't appear to be looking for signs of an active shooter situation - are people fleeing? Are there indications that the area is deserted (people would run or panic if they heard gunshots)? Are there indications that there is an actual

CIG is never going to sign a contract with Microsoft, for anything. Ever. Star Citizen is strictly crowdfunded. And no, the way they're going with Star Citizen, the customized version of CryEngine 3 would kill both your Xbone and PS4.

I wasn't advertising to everybody. I was talking to you. Specifically.

Might I extend an invitation to you to join TEST Squadron? :) We support all playstyles.