
The richer you are, the more of a penny pincher you become.

You have my attention, Colossal Order.

I'm skeptical of that, since Source 2 is still being developed and isn't ready for primetime. Some components of it are. It would be an approach similar to how Square Enix developed FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. Basically, they took chunks of the Luminous Engine's graphics code and tailored it to fit their needs for FFXIV.

I have two words for you, EA: Eat. Shit.

Bring back an authentic SWAT series. And I don't mean the Michael-Bay-esified Call of Duty series reskinned as a domestic conflict simulator.

This is because Japan's citizens are raised with the expectation that they are "perfect and conformist". That's why Japan's current society is going to die a horrible end in the next century or so. Just watch.

Codemasters has been kind of in a long process of un-fucking themselves from the EA mentality of a few years ago. This is just another step in that process.

Nope, companies like Comcast won't even be interested in investing in this kind of internet capabilities. In fact, by the time the Government rips the ISP side out of COmcast's hands, the infrastructure will have deteriorated to the point where it would be cheaper to install a new infrastructure as opposed to

Fo' real.

Don't forget, as soon as humans started using Higgs particles, the Gauna attacked the Solar System, so being able to develop and establish technology in Sol was extremely unlikely with the highly prevalent Gauna presence. Hence all those seed ships.

There is a reason I favor Buy to Play over Free to Play, after all. And I'd rather be paying for expansion content, not dingleberry trash like this.

Are you fucking serious? $200+ for a mother fucking digital GUN that offers no real tangible benefits? Wow. This is disgustingly filthy.

How about no? I'm not giving Harmony Gold another reason to continue cockblocking Macross just because they released a newer entry in the Robotech series.

And why is it a game that is so insultingly prone to juggling, that the fights feel one-sided half the time?

Unfortunately, the Studio died a long time ago. :p

What people don't realize is that, in #7, "King Bradley" is his name. His first name is "King". There's even a joke in one of the mangas about his name, about how the first three letters of his name translates to "Kin-Bra". It's an obscure reference to another IP that the author enjoyed.

"Well, you do that, we'll go all digital and say "fuck you", good sir."

...If I run into these "gangs" online, I'm getting into a semi, and running over all of their bikes. And then I'm gonna drop grenades out the window as they try to chase me down.

Someone clue me in.

No. Fuck you.