
Shut your mouth.

Oh goody, another title that requires PhysX, which has no hybrid options for running in parallel with an AMD card. Yeah, no, FUCK THAT.

How about no, Nintendo?

Did you just step out of a kids' show? Because I remember there being a kids show where there was a clique of girls named Ashley. Can't remember which show.

I'm deaf. And I could hear that battery pack screaming, "I SHALL SPRAY MY HORRIBLE INNARDS UPON THEE FOR THIS INSULT!"

Don't forget, it'll weed out the double-dribbling fuckwits who have no sense of tactical capacity whatso-fucking-ever.

As much Palmer says the right things, what he doesn't understand is that no matter how indie you are, the moment you're bought out by a large company, shit changes for the worse.

When Facebook starts forcing Oculus to install metric tracking software into your PC as part of the "standard install" for the Rift...you're going to be eating those words.

It's called "Collective Responsibility". It's what boot camp tries to drill into you, but apparently it only applies to the grunts - never the kids at the top of the food pyramid in the military. :(

Unfortunately, this does not mean all the YouTubers involved with the network will get a bonus. Nearly all that money is likely going towards the bean counters in Maker Studios...


That's actually a fact for a lot of big names. Some of them use ghost writers as a means of refining their existing ideas, others use ghost writers as idea-originators, and some will use ghost writers for the entire process from idea to completion.

Sadly, she's on the side of a faction that has decided to throw away an important treaty governing the security of nuclear warheads that were once in the possession of Ukraine. Now that Crimea has broken away, Ukraine could choose to pursue nukes again.

Big O! Showtime!

If I had a choice in Watch Dogs, I would resort to using the phone 99% of the time. I would avoid the gun at any cost, unless there was no other option in a given situation.

I'm sorry, I must decline this wonderfully delicious offer because I am a PC Gamer, and EA continues to be a butt about Origin.

I'm sorry. I can't hear you, Microsoft, over the sheer awesome that is AMD Mantle.

I bet they didn't bother to subtitle the dialogue. This is one of my biggest pet peeves in a lot of games - the devs don't bother to subtitle the small dialogue.

Easily the most evil thing you could possibly do in Seattle: Knock over the Space Needle.

Hitoshi fucking Sakamoto? Fuck. FUND THIS GAME, GUYS.