
Even maximum still looks like shit compared to FFXIV...and FFXIV is going DirectX 11 in 2014.

In the game, in Next Valley, there is a massive red-wolf infestation. I have taken to calling them Dickwolves because they always rape anyone that tries to pass through.

I suggest reading the Manga before making such an idiotic comment. :)

.....really? Congratulations, I'm not touching Candy Crush Saga. Or any King.com products for that matter. Best part: Their website is hugely dependent on Javascript, which is heavily blocked on my browser. Ha-ha.

The fact that this guy appears to be as old as I am, and is a bloody petty son of a bitch, pisses me off.

I'll start believing the bullshit ISPs spew when they install fiber optic in every home within a 50-mile radius of a large population center.


Random question: Where did your avatar image come from? Dem boobs to the face is a bit mesemerizing.

I get what you're saying, but...

It's supposed to be a game about co-operation, not "I AM MY OWN MAN, SCREW OFF!".

Well, duh. :P

This was a fail on the operator's part - the keel fin is retracted. You don't retract it when sailing. Good job, whoever did that. </golf clap>

I predict lawsuits over the Fair Use clause in copyright law.

It's definitely an LAV based on the Piranha chassis (the Stryker is one such type).

Well that wasn't surprising. Rockstar never did really understand physics.

I really hope you're talking out of your ass.

I'd like Smedley to shut his filthy mouth.

Unfortunately, in an actual war, this guy would be shot long before he could cross the field of battle.

"To save cash" in China means "To give kickbacks to politicians committing graft."

This dude looks unimpressed.