
Indeed, he did ragequit. He claimed that he lost connection while piloting the Titan, and was unable to reconnect in time to save it. CCP, in its lovey-dovey relationship with BoB, refused to fully investigate the incident and did not reimburse the Titan.

You know what sucks? If this cat gets outside, some idiot Chinese might mistake him for a high-grade stray and roast him alive for some dinner.

Or the government's watchdogs are getting kickbacks. I'm betting on the latter, given how shitty our financial sector has become.

Paypal has frequently broken the law regarding finances...look around on these discussion threads - you'll see people who have lost $5,000 to PayPal's shitty practices.

It's tales like these that are starting to convince me to shut down my PayPal account. The amount of financial law violations that Paypal has committed in the U.S. is atrociously mind-boggling.

This is depressing.

It's pretty clear that the game industry culture in South Korea needs to change. Just by looking at how their MMORPGs are made, is enough to tell me that I don't want to give them another cent of my money.

I wonder if Anon is gonna fuck up their servers. I think after that bit with the game automatically forcing your dude to empty ammo into a Japanese corpse, it's a very deserved response to such bigoted behavior...

I remember reading Megatokyo; but then I realized the artist hasn't changed his visual style or even experimented with different visual styles, and I immediately lost interest.

Oh, trust me. Duping your $1,250 Idris Corvette is not going to sit well with Cloud Imperium Games and they WILL take action.

Don't worry...Chris Roberts is most decidedly anti-griefer.

I think since Amon had bloodbending, he used it to mess up the "chi" of the benders. In addition to that, due to the pressure point on the forehead, I'm also inclined to believe it has to do with messing with your brain structure. :|

Instead of punching babies, you should bloodbend them.

Ending it on a cliffhanger would have pressured the guys who bankrolled it to actually fund the second season. A dick move, I know, but it would have at least preserved the series appeal to some extent for me.

To be honest, the ending of Book 1 turned me off from the series. The way Korra just recovered her abilities in a massive Deus Ex moment just irritated me.

Microsoft managed to save face here. But they are going to still suffer from lost sales.

No matter how you look at it, if it's being enforced by the console maker, it puts Microsoft in a bad position. The publishers can easily turn the tables by saying "Microsoft is forcing us to use the "Used-Games DRM"."

A ton of feedback yes. But the issue is whether or not Microsoft will listen to it. Chances are, they're going to pull a Square Enix (of the 2000's) and just flat out ignore it.

These guys need to go back to their roots.

Downey Jr. must've felt really awkward there.