
Humor has been a regular part of Clark’s character from inception though its drifted in and out of prominence. Schuster and Siegal’s Kent, as well as the Clark in the Max Fleischer’s cartoon, was a wisecracking reporter, a typical trope of the era. George Reeve’s Kent would gently rib Lois constantly. Clark’s humor in

Not quite, but you just made realize that a Fraggle version of the Sopranos would be awesome.

The Unsullied, Sansa Stark and Cleveland all notched historic victories tonight. All underdogs, but The Seven Gods truly don’t give us more than we can handle.

*Ahem* “OZ” *Cough*

I would imagine bribery and coercion, Littlefinger’s special talent. The Northern Houses supporting the Boltons did so out of fear and/or self-interest — who’s going to stick their neck out for Ramsay?

I really liked this young man and I’m going miss his talent onscreen. He made the most of each role, whether big or small, and every film he was in was better because of his presence. I just enjoyed watching him work. I can think of no higher praise for an actor, and my sympathies go out to his loved ones.

“The Second Amendment didn’t kill anyone” is to gun violence what “I don’t see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind” is to sexual abuse.

(I refuse to call him Shazam)

Nope, in this analogy super humans are muslims, not guns. That means Tony Stark is Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, and Bruce Wayne is Peter Thiel or Jeff Bezos.

Counter-counter-counterpoint: Tony Stark is a lackey who enforces the governments Superhuman registration act, Bruce Wayne defies the government when it declares Gotham a No Mans Land and wins.

If I was Ben, I would feel so violated ...

Franklin Richards can alter reality and create new universes from scratch. He should be number one. This study is very unscientific.

Counterpoint: without their armor or weapons, Bruce Wayne is the world’s greatest athlete and one of its deadliest martial artists. Tony Stark is about the size of Robert Downey Jr. and studies wing chin as a hobby.

Maybe you should check more than one news source, perhaps a Dutch one, before you piss all over them. Do you actually think the Dutch public or the government is sitting still for this. Do you expect to bomb Qatar?

Yes, its horrible: they treat women and gays just like Republicans do.

Renting an apartment to have an entire separate life and turning that space into a tribute to your illicit lover is going hurt your spouse, if they have human feelings, no matter the genders involved.

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Unfortunately, someone else has already made it their “head”quarters.

Black Adam and Shazam are always depicted as similar in size in comics and animated cartoons (Adam usually seems slightly bigger). I think Mary Marvel and Capt. Marvel Jr. are both bigger than Billy Batson in their human forms, so following your logic they should be at least as big as Shazam as metahumans, but they

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Sure, you’d think she’s dress as Supergirl for the occasion, but I guess Supergirl’s cape would’ve been a hazard while running an obstacle course like this.

Super Ventriloquism, perhaps?