
Mostly agree. I think W. M Marston was very forward thinking, but still used body image for humor. His Etta is however a woman of action.

Comedy was certainly part of Etta’s role in the Golden Age comics, and she was also a big hearted, sentimental character who didn’t hide her emotions. But, as demonstrated in article above, she could also kick ass. Etta and the Holliday Girls were all meant to be role models, not jokes.

Because Etta doesn’t exist purely for comic relief. She is athletic, smart and brave. Etta needs to be taken seriously as a hero to work as a character and no one thinks of Rebel Wilson that way.

He’s great in Into The Badlands. Lang, like Lance Henrikson and Michael Ironside, is reliably good at making intense men of action interesting and amusing. I’ve liked him since his villainous role in Tombstone and think he is a good candidate for Cable. I still think Jon Hamm would be brilliant casting against type,

Funny that no one thought to protest this video.

Looks like he is holding the business end of a Shop-Vac.

That is exactly what a really smart robot would do, to fool you. A broken tooth isn’t going to rattle a robot: he has spares.

With a soupçon of Peter Krause mixed in.

I think its a foregone conclusion that Finn will become more heroic—perhaps even becoming a rebel leader— as the saga progresses, but I want to see him be a bit more badass in the next episode. He pretty much got his ass kicked by everyone else in TFA.

Its possible, but is relatively rare. Stevens being in this role lowers his chances of getting another major Marvel role, but I hope I am wrong.

This is great casting, but also means its unlikely Stevens will be Reed Richards in the eventual FF reboot.

THIS. On the other hand, it is helpful to know that the Democrats aren’t even pretending anymore that the party wants to change anything.

GP sounds as annoying as hell on a personal basis, but she was damn good as Pepper Potts and Shakespeare in Love is light but effective entertainment.

I’m not going claim whitewashing, because Rita Repulsa is an alien, but Olivia Munn and Constance Wu were the first people that came to mind for the role, whether the movie’s tone is campy or more serious.

And John Carpenter’s The Thing is a much better example of cliffhanger.

I’ve never understood why “works in mysterious ways” can’t include the Big Bang Theory, evolution etc.

But if they are holding him back because they are retconning Jabberjaws as a psychotic villain who is killing off HB characters? Best. Twist. Ever.

He was and so was Tessa Thompson.

As revenge plans go, carrying a child you never wanted have for nine months and then raising for the rest of your life sounds like a pyrrhic victory.

Yes, but his first choice would be Diana Ross.