@El Pollo Loco: +1 There are hoards of people getting an Android just because it's not Apple... and it's accepted because it's cool to hate Apple. But if the same goes for Google or MS....whoa whoa whoa!!! What's YOUR problem!!!
@El Pollo Loco: +1 There are hoards of people getting an Android just because it's not Apple... and it's accepted because it's cool to hate Apple. But if the same goes for Google or MS....whoa whoa whoa!!! What's YOUR problem!!!
@jokool89: That's pulling real deep. Not all tablets have internet access all the time. It's nice to have something that can be viewed offline...hence the app. The apps are more of a digital versions of the physical magazine, rather than a portable website.
@trollinforanominalfee: As a consumer, I do.
@LegalCookie: It's always the case with Apple. Whatever they come out with is always a bad idea until everyone else does it.... then it's a good idea.
@GC: virus != bugs
@Cliff_Dangers: ...sob... :-(
@RikD: What?? An Anti Apple statement that doesn't involve Steve Jobs cock??? What is this world coming to?
@StormtrooprDave: Yup. That's because it's based off Unix. Use the great front end, or get your hands dirty with terminal..choice is great.
@norazi: Where'd you get all that for $200?
@Nitemancometh: I'd like to see your electricity bill
@geolemon: I didn't know getting an Android turned people Emo
@joe57005: I'm totally OK with paying for a quality product
@WilliamTheFifth: I'm actually glad that there isn't this feature. I can't tell you how many times when I used to use Windows where I would cut a file, get distracted, and come back and lose that file.
@MrCrispy: Yes, Windows users are far superior than Mac users. You're automatically smarter when using Windows. Complex is always better than simple.
@muzicman82: Command + O Not too hard. Why does it take 4 clicks to safely remove a USB drive on Windows?
Please please please don't screw this up Apple. Approve this!
@justin0025: OMG. There are several Google posts too!! They must be a bunch of Google fanboys..whaaa whaa!!!!
@dswatson83: Hasn't impacted me at all. I just wanted to point out that if you're going to call someone stupid, you should learn how to use "you're" correctly.
@JS_Drupal: @RustyNeedle: Once again the anti-Apple crowd can't stop talking about Apple. Even when the article has nothing to do with Apple.