Terrifying prospect.. totally gonna watch this. >_> I'm especially entertained by Paola. "Could you go put a robe on?" AHAHAHAHAHA
Terrifying prospect.. totally gonna watch this. >_> I'm especially entertained by Paola. "Could you go put a robe on?" AHAHAHAHAHA
Pulling out is fine if you're ready to accept that it might not always work. I'm married, own a home, have a job, have a husband with a job.. if I get pregnant, not a huge deal. I mean, huge deal, but it won't wreck us. If I were single, or didn't have a job, or didn't want kids PERIOD, I wouldn't use that method.…
Same here!! I remember seeing maybe the first episode and it made me sad to think that there might be a wife #3 in real life. I mean, if they're okay with sharing a dude, okay.. It's not my place to judge, right?? While we're judging, they seem to be happy, so why are we judging? I think only because it sends a weird…
I haaaaaated her SO BAD. She was so easy to hate! I wanted Wife #1 to leave, ever episode.. why did none of them leave!? It blew my mind.
Fuckin' Big Love.. I marathoned that show this year and loved every wacky minute of it. The ending made me so happy.
Some of this was just darkening her hair.. some of this was... lowering her clavicle?? I don't even know, anymore...
My priest explained that there is a Santa for every region of the world. One year, we had a Pakistani Santa come and talk to us in church about Saint Nicholas, and yanno what, none of us kids thought twice about it. It was a very diverse church and we were like, yeah, okay. Pakistani Santa. Big deal. He brings…
Ooooof.... as a brown lady with a white husband, I can't wait for this to happen to me. And statistically (after seeing all of my nieces and nephews), it will.
Sometimes you have to take your own personal singing style and tell it to sit down.
Iron Maiden.
OH GOD it's like that episode of Nip/Tuck with Mrs. Claus!! That shit gave me nightmares.. I still sometimes wonder if maybe.... /looksdown
Ahahahahaahaha! Give this woman the ten thousand dollars!
Those Yoplaits are full of sugar, too. There's like 20g of sugar per tiny cup of yogurt, as opposed to some natural fat.. and people think that's gonna help them loose weight?? Ugh..
Some of my priest's advice was pretty common-sense stuff. My husband didn't object to any of it. For the most part he made us feel at-ease with our decision and it was a painless process. When we actually did the pre-marital counseling, the speakers were real couples so that was the most helpful.
I'm more of a "count your carbs" person, myself. If I eat as much as I want and it's low-carb (vegetables/meat/ect.) I don't gain weight and I feel good. Eating anything with lots of carbs makes me feel like crap.
Being a priest isn't a job I'd want, but I do wish they would make it possible for women to be ordained. I agree that women seem to mystify a lot of priests; the priest who married me will openly tell you he doesn't get women. It's a boys club and a lot of priests mean to keep it that way. I'm hoping that in the…
I love Grape Nuts.. it's like chewing on kitty litter...
Because it's all fucking sugar and carbs. "low fat" and "low calorie" processed foods are all bullshit.