
"This is showing what it looks like when women sellsex... so much of it feels staged for men, not for our own pleasure."

"Most opera singers generally don't go this far out."
What? Not true! I used to sing with the Washington Opera. Even the members of the choir are all skilled singers in languages like French, German, Italian and Russian. Most of them don't speak any of these languages and are all as American as can be.

I keep hearing people bitch about her weight. Look, I am the biggest comic nerd you'll probably ever meet (unless you meet my best friend) and I too want a buff womanly Wonder Woman. HOWEVER, none of those dudes in 300 had the bodies they had in the movie BEFORE the movie! Give the girl a chance! She was in the

Not even occasionally. He's pretty much the best Pope.

Same here! I used to look to her for inspiration on how to dress for our similar bodies.

The roundness in her face could be the result of weight loss, but she definitely had her chin done. She looks way more like Kloe in that image.

"When will the Pope stop his war on Christmas?"

Quote of the day!!

I'm with you, but maybe it's because they always advertised her as "the hot sexy girl" or something.

Kim Kardashian looks so much like Jennifer Lopez it's starting to weird me out. I miss her old nose.

Dude, my grandfather is in his 80's and he still works on a farm every day. My dad is in his 60's and he still works as a welder every day. Staying busy is healthy.

Paul Walker seemed like such a genuinely nice person. I knew nothing about him until he died (not a fan of the FAF movies) and it's probably because he wasn't really one of those actors that sold himself as a professional celebrity. I really respect him for that. He did a lot for charities.

Ha! I'm 5' and I used to swim, too. I also run five times a week, eat low calorie/low carb, still chubby. What can I say? I'm sorry for being fat? XP


How fat are we talking, though? Because you have to be pretty big for extra weight to have a negative impact on your body, and a lot of women (myself included) who have a little bit extra but are still healthy consider themselves fat, too. Clearly someone who can't walk because they're too big is unhealthy, but what

All of my g-strings are cotton, thank you very much.

It's fine to be proud of yourself. It's not fine to put others down because you're proud about yourself. That's how you become an asshole.

Incoming onslaught of Mean Girls gifs!

I know, I know. Everyone (but me?) loves Mean Girls.

He looks like a teacher of mine (that was totally cool) and this makes me realize I might have had a crush on him..

Oh sure. I also include weight lifting and try to lift heavier each time. Strength, stamina, still got fat thighs.