Tickle Fight

People who say “white knights” are sad fragile virgin boys with useless dicks.

Shut the fuck up, you virgin bitch nerd. 

It’s not pushing any ideology it’s called not being a fucking dickhead. It’s no wonder the right has such trouble with it. 

Who gives a shit, nerd? 

Hi it’s called makeup and lighting. 

Join the war effort and finally do something with your useless life. 

You seem completely sane person and not at all like a lunatic.

Don’t act like you’re better than the place you’re commenting.


It is whether you like it or not

lol at you thinking you’re immune

ViRtUe SiGnAlLiNg

You sound like a fucking baby. 

Your brother is a dickhead and I hope he gets his clock cleaned.

Shut up

How about you fuck off to hell. Write something yourself instead of wasting your life. 

Oh gosh THANK YOU for telling women what we should care about! Since everyone knows we can only care about one thing at a time!

There’s some serious delusion going on but it ain’t about how good the movie was. 

Shut the fuck up

Relax. You don’t have to say it.