
For the record.... 2000 Mules is a fantasy that is convincing only to people that already believe every single one of the Right’s election-fraud lies. Compounded by the fact that D’souza is disingenuous and untrustworthy on his very best day..

You mouth-breathers are always goat-bleating about everyone’s fucking

God awful response............ Still can’t believe people are trying to defend Trump 6 years in. Obliviousness at its best. James, I feel truly sorry for you. Open your eyes up sir we’re heading to the next Nazi era. We continue down this path of Trumpism and it will be like a scene from The Hunger Games.

Anyone that claims they are “all the same” clearly hasn’t been paying attention.

Whatever complaints you can level against politicians in general, you are being deliberately blind. Maybe leave the rest of us out of your self-delusion?

At this point you can’t even get 1% of Repubs to even pay lip service to being

Oh look, another coup-apologist.

Idid seed” a bunch of treasonous fuckfaces storm a seat of government with the intent of changing the results of a fair election. I “did seed” people engage in violence, destruction, and theft in an attempt - not to receive fair treatment - but to receive special treatment. I “did

From a Fox News standpoint it kind of seems like they are ignoring it completely.  Not that I can stomach enough of that BS to keep watching to see if it’s mentioned.

Yeah, just look at his other comments.  It’s either an all-sarcasm account or he’s just that unhinged.   He can die in his own dumpster fire.

A concept of a “drought” isn’t at ALL anthropomorphic. It’s very cleanly defined as a period of time with less-than-average precipitation.

We tend to focus on the human-affecting aspects of a drought, but we don’t define droughts that way.

Strange that you assume it can’t be both.

Also: water consumption and over-consumption have been talked about for decades, particularly in the areas most affected by the lack of water. Even in Arizona where golf courses and mines still manage to use ridiculous amounts of water even as everyone knows it is

Exactly this. I fear we have enough lunatics that it won’t all be that way.. but the Randy Fines of the country that like to act like big badasses will likely just roll over and give up their weapons (And be in a big old huff about it).

Honestly, it should be all semi-automatic weapons, not just “assault weapons”.  You will hardly budge the murder rate at all with that limitation.

Which is basically meaningless in situations where the gunman has literally no thought to/expectations of their own survival.

A good guy with a super soaker would have managed more.

They say the first amendment is meaningless without the second”

In no small part because they’ve projected a meaning/intention onto the second that is questionable at best, given how the amendment itself arose.

I try really, really REALLY hard to not distill everything down to ACAB since it automatically causes the cop-defenders to shut down.. but in situations like this the snarky remarks just write themselves.

I’m not sure how we’re supposed to believe that more police and security guards are the answer when Parkland

The “mental health warriors” will throw a massive bitch-fest if you suggest a psych-eval for first time gun buyers.

I’m slowly coming around to the idea that prying it from their cold dead hands might be a viable solution.

Which should be a horrible thing to say.. but those same fuckers are the ones that refuse to meet anyone even partway for the sake of everyone’s safety.

If those are their terms then maybe that bluff needs to be

We need a good guy with a tumor, stat!

Whether or not you are a racist, you’re a blatant firearm apologist which does, in fact, make you dogshit.

Especially since the founding fathers recognized “Bearing arms” as serving in the military/a militia.   Hunting with a rifle was not always considered “bearing arms”.

For people that are worried someone will take all their guns away, the gun nuts are sure invested in making that happen. It’s like they WANT to push the rest of us to the breaking point where we say “you know what? Fuck it. No guns. No guns for hunting. No guns for sport. And sure as fuck no guns so your