
This article is ridiculously misleading.  Shuffle on an album isn’t ENABLED by default guys.  It’s just an option you had there by default.

You see, that’s just the thing. Spotify never enabled shuffle by default when listening to an album - you simply had the option there to enable it if you wanted.

This article makes it sound like you got a re-ordered album on any/every listen but that just was never the case.

Generous of you to rate him that highly.

Given many American’s completely blase attitude toward the pandemic, it wouldn’t be the first sense they lost.

There are some places in the country where you can actually understand why they are conservative and why they favor the policies that they do. Then there is the AZ 4th, which is basically the worst shitposter you can imagine made into a congressional district.

Yeah, you haven’t met Arizona... and definitely not RURAL Arizona.

He’s in one of the most Republican districts in the country.. and since this is Arizona - that level of partisanship means literally any wingnut with an (R) after their name can get elected - regardless of how ineffective they are.

Sadly, the odds are tha

Don’t forget that Siuan+Leane, the Aiel Wise Ones, and - to a smaller extent - the Kin all demonstrated that same point in one way or another.

Androl is the the Asha’man continuation of that same theme.

Oh, I know. I’ve just heard it pointed to as what makes Rand a Mary Sue, even though I don’t buy the argument, personally. Like I said - it’s a pretty-well fleshed out aspect of the world itself, and it even allows the Forsaken to track Rand down at times.

I just point out Androl because his craziness does kind of come

We watch The Day After Tomorrow all the time in my house. It’s almost good.

Honestly, if you cut out the unnecessary “dire wolves escaped from the zoo and somehow commandeered the ship with our antibioticsI could forgive all of the rest.

Everybody jumps to this conclusion, but I think there’s plenty in the history of the world itself that would cause the Dragon to be feared whether it was a man or woman.

Like.. the fact that the Dragon is seen as responsible for the taint on Saidin/the fear of male channelers, and final nail in the coffin of the Age

Starred for Verin shout-out

The ta’veren/twisting chance to his benefit stuff is the only real thing that comes across as Mary-Sue-ish, though the fact that it’s an actual aspect of the world/cosmology kind of pokes a hole in that idea.

Mat is the one usually tagged as a Mary Sue (I assume due to the luck thing), although I personally think that

No, if that were the case they would have actually provided things several lawsuits back.

The simple fact of the matter is that his made-up-bullshit has always been made-up-bullshit. He was never going to win and he and his lawyers knew it. “Innocent until proven guilty” gets thrown around a lot.. but we already know

Hmmm.. I wonder why the map and the top 5 list doesn’t match at all for New Mexico.

According to that list La Cumbre is number 1, followed by Budweiser, Corona Extra and then Bud Light at #4... but Bud Light is what shows up on the map.

Well, you fucked up already - there’s already a confirmed second season.

While it’s probably good that she’s going to lease in terms of being able to offload the overall operations, this is a super weird thing to say. Gas/convenience store franchises in particular get dicey because you start locking yourself into a single company for your gasoline. Making an already price-volatile (and

I seriously believe that he became a dentist in the Little Shop of Horrors vein. 

Don’t listen to my siblings, they are normal, well-adjusted people.

You should read about his supposed involvement with the Jan 6th insurrectionists.  It puts an extra dark spin on this sort of post - it seems to be just a little bit more than an unprofessional joke to him and his staff.

Mr. towering (TOWERING) intellect here seems to have a hard time differentiating between jokes or statements made in bad tasted, and those made in bad taste that HAVE ALREADY DEMONSTRATED A PROPENSITY FOR ENCOURAGING THEM TO BECOME REAL.

I’m sorry Mr. Brain-Erection, that rush of blood to your head is making it so you